See video for who's remixing who.You may remix or cover, but it must be one of their original songs.
You have until Sunday, April 7th at 9pm GMT-4 to be somewhere good with your song.We will decide on a final deadline then.Phase: Sign-ups|Contest|Judging|End
Submission GuidelinesYou must submit at least 10 seconds of your song by the date above to stay in the competition.To submit, PM link2x101 with your snippet and any relevant information.If you need additional time, ask for it there with a reference point of how much longer you may need.If you're dropping out, please PM link2x101 as soon as you are sure so that other contestants can be made aware.You may submit your full song if you are done, but will still be allowed to resubmit at any time if you make changes.
link2x101 -> mr8bitKilin -> MegaJuurianChi -> KilinMega -> AnthonyLoPrimoKamira -> tylerthemillersirxemic -> link2x101mr8bit -> StevenOBrienStevenOBrien -> Charlie CarloAeron -> JuurianChiRez -> Polystyrene ManHel -> AcidRC -> IasperIasper -> KamiraAcid -> RCTaizen Chisou -> nooodlCharlie Carlo -> colseedAnthonyLoPrimo -> HelPolystyrene Man-> sirxemictylerthemiller -> Aeronnooodl -> Rezcolseed -> Taizen Chisou
Quote: Musicians
1. link2x1012. Kilin3. JuurianChi4. Mega5. Kamira6. sirxemic7. mr8bit8. StevenOBrien9. Aeron10. Rez11. Hel12. RC13. Iasper14. Acid15. Taizen Chisou16. Charlie Carlo17. AnthonyLoPrimo18. Polystyrene Man19. tylerthemiller20. The Avatrol21. nooodl22. CyrusRoberto23. colseed
The resulting remixes will be compiled into an album that I'll post for free on my bandcamp. (Unless you inform me that you'd like to be kept out of the album.)
If anyone has anything to donate for prizes, please message me!
Quote: 1st Place
- An additional cover/remix of the song of your choice by link2x101 (either your own, or the artist of your choosing).- An additional cover/remix of the song of your choice by Hel (either your own, or the artist of your choosing).- Exclusive early testing of Deep Freeze and its level editor.- Your own level in the official version of Deep Freeze (design permitting).- All of link2x101's released albums and early versions of my upcoming album.- A nifty badge.
Quote: 2nd Place
- An additional cover/remix of the song of your choice by link2x101 (only one of your own).- Exclusive early testing of Deep Freeze and its level editor.- All of link2x101's released albums.- A nifty badge.
Quote: 3rd Place
- link2x101's albums Arq and Solidate.- A nifty badge.
My Music:New: http://nicksimmons.bandcamp.com/Old: http://soundcloud.com/link2x101Oldest: http://www.reverbnation.com/nicksimmonsmakesmusic/songsMixed: http://youtube.com/link2x101Lyrics available on request.Some samples and single-instrument renders available on request. (Depending solely on how new the song is.)
Where there's a will, there's a way. If push came to shove, I could buy 8 64gb flash drives and tie them to a carrier pigeon for safe delivery to that cold place. In such a case it would be up to FSX to decide which 11 GB he'd be willing to sacrifice in lieu of a ninth flash drive/second pigeon.
probably gonna reupload some old tracks, if anybody remembers one theyd like back up please let me know (im gonna do this regardless of the contest)https://soundcloud.com/charlie-carlo
http://charliecarlo.bandcamp.com/I can provide MIDI's for all of my tracks, except maybe the older ones on Soundcloud.http://www.64digits.com/users/index.php?userid=RC&cmd=comments&id=501794
Those two unfinished tracks are all I have, so good luck to whoever gets to cover them. > : )Cyrus, Colseed, and I are going to gang up on Touhou and remix the fuck out of it.
Also, I'll post my Soundcloud after I upload a few more tracks to it, so people have some choice and variety.Though I am 90% sure my remixer is going to choose Akumazoku no Arashi.only if it's melolol guess I'll be making a Soundcloud once I get these two files off an old iPod(you can sign me up now if you want, I'll go and do a mild posting spree in the next couple days probably)(worst case I just have to re-record everything :c )Here's my stuff:
Basically… I'll just make my stuff downloadable. You can cut them up and morph them how you please. Not too much going on with any single one of my songs though…http://soundcloud.com/myblackaura
http://aekiss.bandcamp.com/those are the two places i have music… soundcloud and my last album on bandcamp basically have all my good stuff. i'll set whichever songs you want to be downloadable (with all their tempo changes, i doubt my first two albums could even be considered lol)