I started this 3d fps the other day for a school project.
Right now im just trying to improve grafix. So i was wondering does anyone know any cool techneiques or effects that i could use, if i use the techneque(how the hell do you spell that) ille put you in the credits.
So heres a screenshot.
Really dark, I couldn't see it…
People don't wanna play games with their monitor on an angle just to see.looks dark…. like the guy above said… i had to look up close on my monitor… this my maybe lam i dont know it sees good to my but u should have a timer set on random and on the timer you put "lightning= true" and a step later put it false so you get a good scary dark flickering effect…. i dont know … up to you really…
We'll work on the grammar.
I know its fair dark, its spose to be. In game its not that hard to see. Ok ille make it lighter, problem is gamemaker lights are a bit of a pain, also im gonna do the lights flickering thing. Thanks for your help, also ille be back with an updated picture soon.
oh, and the screenshot is either black, or just really really REALLY dark.
a "bit" dark.
You mean it wasn't just a black square?Odd…would appear selecting it does indeed show something…