Waiting for replys...

Posted by lo_lord on June 3, 2008, 8:53 p.m.

Every single time i release a game, i have to wait for what seems like forever to get replys. As i wait around i notice that all the games that already have 100 replys are geting more replys every hour or so. Are my games bad? It doesnt seem like it, because every time i do get replys there always outstanding like "9/10" or "Awesome game".

Furthermore i am infuriated by the fact that people seem to reply to topics more if theres something wrong with the game or something incorrect about the topic. For instance the game has heaps of bugs or the download link is broken, lets post 30 replys about it!

Ive considered making a huge mistake in my next games topic, at least that way i might get some replys.

If you would like to help me in the quest for replys then you can check out some of my game topics here:



Feel free to reply!


Castypher 16 years, 8 months ago

You probably don't get much because you're not a well-known user. This is how this site works.

sk8m8trix 16 years, 8 months ago

2 broken links to FagFagGames. Nobody cares >__> (not a pun).

lo_lord 16 years, 8 months ago

@kilin, i wasnt talking about 64digits, its mostly GMclans and the GMcommunity. But yeah that could have something to do with it. But how am i ment to become a well known user if noone ever replys.

@ sk8m8trix, sorry didnt realise the links were broke. I will fix them right now.

NeutralReiddHotel 16 years, 8 months ago

Tips on getting replies:

-Update often, if your game is a WIP. If completed, pay attention on the forums to see if someone requests a feature or finds a bug.

-Make sure to have pretty, or just acceptable graphics. Even if you have the best platform engine in the world, you're not going to get any attention if you're using the platform tutorial's sprites.

-Screenshots. A lot of them.

I knew more, but I forgot…

lo_lord 16 years, 8 months ago

@ Dabridge, thanks, will have to keep those in mind.

Castypher 16 years, 8 months ago

I joined GMClans for a while. Doesn't seem too interesting, but it looked like so much fun. A lot of the users there are self-absorbed, too.

Time to pay a visit.

rockyran 16 years, 8 months ago

Ah, the wonders of replies.

To me, and I guess to a ton of other users, replies are like success points when making a Game Maker game. Attention is essentially what we want. After all, the most popular GM games were made by people like you and I. I guess that's what makes the craving for attention all the more desirable.

Not always happens. I've had two or so WIPs in the GMC. One was from a game that I worked HARD on. Barely anything above 20 replies, 10 or so of those being made by me. My first BIG game released didn't get that many replies either. I sighed. Then I looked at games that were way more amateurish, with graphics way more simple, and just plain worse games in my eyes.

Such are the wonders of replies. To this day, I just don't know what makes worse games get more attention, but one thing that you HAVE to do is not make it get to you. It's hard, I know, but you really have to learn to not care if your games get attention.

That's what I've done, and a few games that I've made have gotten very few replies, yet every reply has been unanimously positive. Then, it makes me glad to know that I have made and underrated gem. I'd rather have a game like that than have an overrated piece of trash.

lo_lord 16 years, 8 months ago

@ Rockyran, it sucks doesnt it. Everything you wrote is exactly what i was talking about.

@ Stevenup7002, I had an avatar back in the olden days when the GMG was still good. But havnt ever bothered with one since. Might try and upload it again though, or make a new one.

Toadsanime 16 years, 8 months ago

It also probably doesn't get many comments because a lot of people dislike YoYoGames, including myself.Can't you put the games up here…?

mesenberg 16 years, 7 months ago

I know exactly how you feel, you either have to make something really weird and out of the ordinary or u have to make something crappy… so sad..