Every gamemaker gets burnt out eventually. For me its on and off every month or two, ussually. This time it seems like its been going on forever. Every single project i start i get bored of with in a few minutes. When i say a few mintues i actaully mean about 2 - 3. My time is spent a little like this:
1. Checking out the robosquid forum2. Checking out 64digits3. Checking out gamemaker community4. Closing IE and simultaneously thinking up an idea for a game5. Start making game, draw a sprite. Realise i dont like the sprite. End game making time…Hmmm. Maybe the real problem is deeper then i think. Maybe it starts with my failing ability to draw sprites. As soon as i draw one i dont like, i stop making a game.Changing topic: As for games i actually have completed, there going good. I uploaded Explodo and Gravtech to 64 digits and so far they have both got good reviews, especially Gravtech which has currently got a rating of 9.5, so if your into platformers i suggest you check that out.Has anyone played the Halflife 2 series lately, more specifically has anyone played them with the commentary on? I love playing and listening to the commentary Especially because alot of it is how they achieved certain effects and overcome certain boundarys. Its interesting to me because im abit of a graphics whore. Any game i make either has to have good or amazing grapics otherwise theres no chance im going to release it. The reason i brought up the commentary is to ask a question: If me/Tijitdamijit/other clan-anticivillian members recorded commentary for Facility B would you guys like to here it? Anyway i dont ussually write blogs and since im all burnt out of gamemaking i thought i better do somthing productive. Thats why its especially long. Hope some of you enjoy reading it.
Solution: take all the good sprites you have made and somehow make a game with only them =p
I went through all the commentary in HL2 =D"Closing IE"
rofl.Also, I freaking love commentaries, so go right ahead :)(Good quality audio could be big, so a separate download? Checking if the files exist could be used to hide menu options for it and stuff :P)