A game about time travel

Posted by marbs on Jan. 12, 2011, 3:39 a.m.

Codenamed "Paradox" for now. A game where the levels are 10 seconds long, but you can travel back in time to create clones of yourself.

This is the simplest level. You start off at the bottom of the screen. In 3 seconds, there will be a meltdown and the whole room will flood with radiation. If at that point you are not wearing a radiation suit, you will become very unhappy and promptly die.

The terminal (grey block with 8 lights) can be used to abort the meltdown, but this can only be done before the meltdown occurs. It takes more than 3 seconds to get from the bottom to the terminal, so normally this would be impossible.

Handily, there is a time machine available. This means you can simply go back in time and stop the meltdown from ever happening.

Alternatively, you could go back in time and steal the radiation suit before you originally got it, meaning that your original player would then die, and your current player would shortly cease to exist. Your choice!

In this, the first player starts off at the bottom of the screen, just left of that green area. That green area is unfortunately filled with radiation, and you will die if you step a toe in it without a radiation suit.

To add to the fun, there is another meltdown, but this time in 5 seconds.

You get the radiation suit that was at the top left (player #1 took it), and head over to the terminal at the top right. This cannot be done in 5 seconds, so you have to use the time machines to help you along the way. With each time machine you use, you have to leave it to the last moment to give yourself as much time as possible, which is slightly counter-intuitive but that's the fun of time travel.

What is happening in the screenshot is that the player has gone back in time 3 times, thus there are 4 players on screen. Each player collapses back to the player that created it at the point of which it activated the time machine. This is shown by the alpha'd sprites all in a line (thanks to Juju for the idea). The user (you) only controls one player at a time. Currently this is marked by the ugly red arrow above #3's head, I am looking for a better method to display this.

Finally, a demonstration of what happens when you fail to follow the mandatory procedure of wearing adequate clothing.

I have many interesting ideas I will implement in time. These might involve fun puzzles in which you have to kill yourself in the past to save yourself in the future, and fix paradoxes before they catch up with you.

For now, though, I must return to revising for 5 exams and finishing 3 courseworks due in this Friday.


Cesque 14 years, 1 month ago

Have you played this, by any chance? :P

I have many interesting ideas I will implement in time.

"Stay tuned for yesterday."

marbs 14 years, 1 month ago

I've never seen or heard of that before, Cesque. It looks like it could be very similar, however I don't want to play it else I might end up subconsciously copying it rather than using my own ideas.

I watched a video of Temporal where they used pressure plates to open doors, which is one of the next things I was planning on implementing.

I have noticed two fundamental differences between our games though. In Temporal, your control is never handed back to the player that created you, whereas in Paradox, when you go back in time you only remain in existence up to the point at which you were sent back in time; and in Paradox, it doesn't matter if you intersect with another player.

Juju 14 years, 1 month ago

Aww, you should keep the ability to steal the radiation suit. It's a really neat trick to show off what the engine can do.

svf 14 years, 1 month ago

A game from marbs?

Looks very awesome and sounds like a original idea!

Can't wait to try it!

sirxemic 14 years, 1 month ago

I want to try this out because I cannot imagine at all how this exactly would be challenging. :(