Graphical Error

Posted by marbs on Oct. 4, 2012, 7:16 a.m.


Up until recently, I had been working on a game for S4D, which looked like this:

My aim was to invoke that feeling of thinking-you-know-what-will-happen-next. For example; when you suddenly get the thought that the phone will ring, and a few seconds later it does. Or simply that feeling of something-bad-is-gonna-happen.

I achieve this effect by showing the user a series of events at the beginning of the game. Then, as the user progresses through the game, they find these events occur to them but in reverse order. The further they progress, the harder it will be to remember the events they were shown. This should then create the feeling of subconsciously knowing the outcome of situations presented to them.

That's the plan anyway.

The black and white art style gave me other ideas though. I went off on a tangent and created a completely different game: Graphical Error!

It's hard to do this game justice with just screenshots. Apart from level 1, you can only tell what is happening when everything is in motion.

All the graphics are white noise (in varying ratios/offsets/phases). As a consequence, I find it leaves me feeling quite nauseous, and gives me a headache if I play for too long.

If that sounds fun, you can try it for yourself! Download "Graphical Error"

I'm also working on another black and white game (which fortunately does not cause nausea etc).


firestormx 12 years, 4 months ago

Both of these sound interesting. =D

I'm at work, so I can't play though.

Rolf_Soldaat 12 years, 4 months ago

I played Graphical error in full-screen mode and all I got was this lousy seizure.

tower07 12 years, 4 months ago

I played Graphical Error, and it was really unique.

Although I would have loved to play the top game, are you still working on it?

Ferret 12 years, 4 months ago

Wow that sounds so interesting that I wish I didn't read it so that I would be surprised when I got to play it :(

I'll have to try your other game later.

svf 12 years, 4 months ago

Graphical error reminds me of Missingno!

Alert Games 12 years, 4 months ago

Great idea of the subconscious idea. Sorta subliminal messaging. Interesting


Yaru 12 years, 4 months ago

I achieve this effect by showing the user a series of events at the beginning of the game. Then, as the user progresses through the game, they find these events occur to them but in reverse order. The further they progress, the harder it will be to remember the events they were shown. This should then create the feeling of subconsciously knowing the outcome of situations presented to them.

That's the plan anyway.
Cool idea! If I were into non-big non-action games I'd say I'd wished I'd come up with that myself. How do you do with the turning point (when things are reversed)? Also, I can figure the start point (aka, the last thing that happened before the series of events in the intro) will be discovering a dead corpse or something and realize that you did something horrible before.

One issue might be to make the gameplay take more time than the intro. How to add enough filler w/o the player forgetting what happened some time ago might be hard.

Also, you might want to play with the fear of the unknown somehow, by making events differ slightly from what happened in the flash-forward. And while on that subject, you should try to build up as much fright anticipation as possible for the start/end point since this is something the player will not see coming. They'll subconsciously fear it since they have grown accustomized to knowing what's next for a while.

Praying Mantis 12 years, 4 months ago

Cool concept. Is the game real or pseudo 3D? That screenie got me thinking how cool it would be if a game like that were 3D, rendered to have just those white lines. That would be sex.

JuurianChi 12 years, 4 months ago

Graphical Error was kinda interesting.

I didn't have any headaches or anything.

Charlie Carlo 12 years, 4 months ago

First thing reminded me of Memento.

Do you murder your wife in the game? That'd be pretty cool.

I like Graphical Error as an idea, but as a game it's kinda bad. Nice experiment, anyways.

How do you render the noise? I was thinking about having a noisy overlay in Credence Filter that gets more visible in intense moments.