Finaly getting use to 64D

Posted by markkraken on Feb. 9, 2008, 10:26 a.m.

I'm finally getting use to using 64D and i now pref it over yo yo games. Ive had a good look at a lot of other games and Ive good some good new ideas. now after a long ride on my bmx im planning to power down and make some lvs and obstacles.

and I'm also going to take the advice Ive been given to make the game a lil harder. but ill look into that as i am going. Ive noticed that a lot of the coding in Gm is a lot like other coding scripts Ive used before but then can be completely different so I'm still getting used to that but hopefully i will learn fast >.<



Nighthawk 17 years ago

You're going to have to start writing longer entries, tagged entries don't get many comments, especially if you're new.

But yeah, I prefer 64D over YYG too. YYG has a nice layout and all, but it loads slow, the ads get in the way, and there are way too many n00bs that hang out there.