Puzzle marble : part 3

Posted by markkraken on Feb. 11, 2008, 4:01 p.m.

Hay guys

Spent the last few days lounging in the sun, got to make the most of it. But of a night time been doing some work on the game.


Ok. Ive followed the advice yous have given me.

Ive made it so that there is a "speed" trail following the player, its a nice lil effect and dint take to long to do. i could do with neatening it though as it can look a lil confusing.

Ive added some music, only to the main menu for now butt im adding as i find. Ive also given the water a sound for when you go into it, a nice little splash sound to keep players amused for a few seconds.

Ive also notice the lvs flow into each other to quickly, you end one lv then get through straight into another. Well ive changed this and placed an after level status page witch gives players a quick chance to take a break. currently it only shows score and number of lives but soon i want it to show amount of points earned or lost during the lv, mount of lives earned or lost aswell as the time it took and any possible bonuses that may be given out.

As well as the important changes to the game to make it better ive made a few more levels, there are 10 in total now that ar playable but there are actually 14 but i haven't linked the other 4 yet as there is something missing and I'm not 100% happy with them yet.

I'm looking for some help with lv rearranging. I think some of the lvs are inappropriately placed difficulty wise and should be re-orded, if any one knows of a good order please tell me and i will have a play round.

OK that's enough blab from me, im uploading the update now and i hope you guys like it.

Peace out

Edit2 : File fixed ziped and uploaded


Phil Steele 17 years ago

Put the exe in a zip file first that should do it.

markkraken 17 years ago

thanks and im ashamed i didnt think if that myself >.<