Hello everyone,
I am back (if any one really does care), I have been quite busy lately with school, work, GM related things & allot of other things too.Anyways, I thourght that I should make a new post, as my last one was in April - quite a while ago now.Anyways, as I may or may not have mentioned my 3D game "Bloopie", Witch I am pretty sure that I did, well, since Gamemaker Magazine is eating up more & more of my time I haven't really had much - time, for the game lately, So, don't be expecting any betas too soon.Gamemaker Magazine - Well, Gamemaker Magazine is slowly growing with each issue, we now have six staff working on the Magazine, witch is a big improvement over what we started with not to long ago - well, Actually it was a while ago now that I think about it.Well I might just tell you a bit more about the Magazine if you don't mind (and I am sure that some people will):Over the Christmas holidays, I was reading GMT or MarkUp, one or the other and I thourght that I could contribute to one of the magazines, but when I went on the forums, I noticed that I could only do aether assigned work or work under a certain category, like only reviews for example.So then I thourght to my self, Why don't I just make my own Gamemaker Magazine and that is how GMM was born.After a month of working (January), February came and I was wondering when should I release issue 1, then after a couple of days in February I had finished what I thourght was pass-able (witch now that I look back at it, it looks like, well…Crap).Anyways, I moved on from issue 1 then started work on issue 2, I had decided to make this in MS PowerPoint instead of MS Word - Although, the computer that I was using only used MSO 2000, So I had to work with that from there.I worked on issue 2 for awhile and it did have some improvements - but not many.So, then about 3 days before release of Gamemaker Magazine issue 2, I had a PM on the GMC, it was from Broxter, Someone who I had never heard of in the Gamemaker world until then,He had sent me a rather large PM telling me that he would like to work & contribute for Gamemaker Magazine and me being very impressed with the quality writing in this PM, said yes.Then after about 4 days of him showing me examples of things that he would like to have in the magazine, I appointed him Editor of the magazine & I am very happy that I did.After about almost 2 months of work, we had finished issue 3 and had posted it with a fair bit of criticisms about the layout.But that didn't stop us, we continued work on issue 4 and may I say, it is looking pretty good, It is about finished, just a few odd ends to finish up then you can expect it for release.Well, I think that, that is enough about GMM for awhile now. :DI hope to keep my account as active as I can and I bit you a good day.Matt