I don't know how long people spend making games, but I sure took my time. Today I wanted to fine tune my game Kyle's Quest and sat down after dinner to finish the job. I know I am only 70% done with the game but come on, you have to clean bugs early. I sat and made stages and cutscenes and I look at the time, 1:30. I am so exhausted but not before I save, post a blog and upload. Want a night.
Also since 64D Is becoming strict on games these days, I will not post demo 4 of Kyles Quest here. Instead I will post it at the 64D collab forum( http://z6.invisionfree.com/64collab/index.php?showtopic=4 )You can down load it herehttp://files.filefront.com/Kyle_questdemozip/;6903825;;/fileinfo.htmlI have added a password system instead of saving the game and a new boss(refer to my last blog.)Bye, I have to sleep
i've been working on some games for months and still have'nt finished them!