64 digits and yoyogames

Posted by mazimadu on May 9, 2007, 2:24 p.m.

OK. Today I paid a visit to our "rivals" at yoyogames just to see if they are worth a bunch (and to download gm7 so I can get Juergen's examples to work. There the best.). A part from the fact that they are now starting to look like a professional site, I decided to look a bit deeper at their games section. What are there best games? Is the community alright? What are their criteria?

For starters the entire recent games section is a complete mess. It is flooded with some of the worst excuses for games I have ever seen. Made by total N00bs. All games on the page currently suck balls for breakfast. You guys at least try to play all the games and examples that get in but for them, NOOOOO. There sever just swallows any piece of crap it's feed. You guys (well most of you) submit some really good games, with an average game scoring 7/10. There games suck and are rated and reviewed by total n00bs. My Kyle's dream( http://www.yoyogames.com/games/show/1108 ), which is a basic n00b game but still well made, was submitted and reviewed buy a total jackass. It is bad enough that he had an avatar of Ralf and his name was "confused n proud", but he game me a 1 star rating and a fucked review (4 words for the entire review). Why am I being reviewed by this doosh. His games are a load of bull shit.( http://www.yoyogames.com/members/confused%20n%20proud ) .

His metriod game doesn't even have a decent engine.

And let us look at there forum. I see game related topics but I don't game maker topics. No latest games, no help, just talk talk talk. You guys don't even stress the forum and your good. They want to take on the GMC. But with that? I dont think so.

If the site that now owns game maker is run by complete retards like this, then I advise people to stick with what they've got, 64digits.

I came here becuase the GMG site was down but now I'm staying.

You guy shouldn't change a thing, I like it the way it is.


Omega_Squid 17 years, 9 months ago

Yea, they downrated my stuff because their own sucked! =(

Help meh out!


However, it also helps to gain popularity of your game, since I have already gotten another 55 downloads to Roboto Assault.

deepermeaning 17 years, 9 months ago

the best games will float to the top eventually as in the case of GMC topics.
Please excuse my while a laugh my ass off about how wrong that statement is.

E-Magination 17 years, 9 months ago

Excuse me if I join deepermeaning.

Castypher 17 years, 9 months ago

Hmm…I actually think YYG is looking really nice, but yeah…they just need to watch the submissions. It supposed to be a place where EVERYONE can show off their games. It's not 64D, everyone.

chiggerfruit 17 years, 9 months ago

i wanted to add in except for the fact many good games go unnoticed by the sheer amount, but i don't want to argue anymore and i thought natural selection would cover that considering there is chance involve.