[Mazi] Lamenting blog

Posted by mazimadu on Sept. 17, 2007, 6:25 p.m.

Normally I don't talk about my life in the real world but I haven't written anything in a week and have to let it out. Maybe something will happen in my favor.

College Life


My college life is a load of crap. I don't mean work-to-death crap (I have done that before and am used to it), I mean the I'm-doomed-to-do-this crap. I wanted to join a club, get a job and just enjoy youth. But no. I cant. There is a shit load of nothingness waiting for me on the table.

You see, my college NYIT (look it up) is made up of 2 campuses. Manhattan and Old westbury. As you may expect from the city that never sleeps. The Manhattan campus is the primary and the Old westbury (where I am in) is the crappy secondary, so most of the jobs and clubs are on the Island, 200 miles away, I am stuck with all the stupid Greek clubs that do nothing but party. Bullshit. Even the RPG/gamers club is inactive here. Fuck

If that is not enough all the good jobs are there and to make matters worse, I am International, so I can only get jobs from the learning center, AS A TUTOR!!!. WTF?

Then if things aren't bad enough, they taunt you with posters of animation and gaming events happening over in Manhattan. I cant leave just to look at that shit. I have class those days. Plus it will be impractical anyway.



As for classes. What can I say. They suck balls. Screw the difficulty of Calculus and Physics, and how lost I am in computer hardware (they mainly talk about shit like AND and OR gates, No lab work, just talk D: ) but the biggest prick hole is Java class. We have it in a regular class room with a projector hooked up to a Powerpoint presentation. W-T-F!? Last semester we did it in a lab, Why not this semester? And who teaches a computer class in a class room in college any way? Bastards

I wish I could be doing more with my college time other than this repetitive study schedule. I am losing my friking mind here.


FireflyX 17 years, 2 months ago

haha i sypathise with you entirely my college sucks too :( Programming is fun but i hate the other stuff we have to do.

mazimadu 17 years, 2 months ago

Thanks for the sympathy.

Also why is FFX the only one replying these type of blogs. I will teach you all a lesson in my next blog.