[Mazi] My plans to take over my college

Posted by mazimadu on Nov. 5, 2007, 5:51 p.m.



As you know, college is really boring for me cos nothing ever happens. So I have come up with a plan to take control of the place (are at least get those lazy bastards of there chairs). It goes like this.

1. I have already made friends with the president of the SHPE club (society of Hispanic engineers), because NSBE (National society of black engineers) is now defunct in our school. Using the grants they receive from our college we will set up a gaming sub-club that will educate the masses on how to use software like 3d studio max, flash and of course Game Maker.

2. Then we will set up a forum site (like GMG) to allow our followers to post there creations while is pick out the talented designers from the crop.

3. Then me and my followers will create a GM game that will rival darthlupi (yes it can be done) and find a way to either sell it or get it on xbox live for download.

4. With my college back on the map and thousands of job offers later (this is what happens when you make a good game (look at portal)), I will have the school in my control and it's pulse at my finger tips.


There is a 100% chance it may not work as I plan (at all) with all the bureaucracy involved but hey, it is worth as shoot.

Quote of the week


<Tedious religious bore removed>

And no dropped balls!


F1u 17 years, 3 months ago

If your looking to get a team together, then let me know. I'm making a platform shooter, that's like a 2d counterstrike. Check my blog if you want to get a team together mazi.

Grand-High Gamer 17 years, 3 months ago

Sexy title font.


1. I have already made friends with the president of the SHPE club (society of Hispanic engineers), because NSBE (National society of black engineers)
I'm curious, but this sounds more like creating seperation between the races more. Fuck all of you and your enlonged preservation of genetic diversity.

SleepinJohnnyFish 17 years, 3 months ago

A Game Maker game will never be on Xbox live… not only because it is incredibly inefficient and uses no shaders, but also because XBox Live games are required to give up their entire source, and you don't have the source to the GM engine.

OL 17 years, 3 months ago

I have already made friends with the president of the SHPE club (society of Hispanic engineers), because NSBE (National society of black engineers) is now defunct in our school.

I thought that racial segregation was meant to be the thing of the past.

Why the need for creating special clubs based on your race? On another note, I imagine creating a "white" what ever society would be frowned upon and deemed racist and un-PC. At least here in the UK. What a world.

Grand-High Gamer 17 years, 3 months ago

I was pretty much trying to say the same, 'cept I couldn't think how to spell segregation.

Shork 17 years, 3 months ago

Hide Mudkips all over the campus. Because everyone lieks mudkips, everyone will liek you.

mazimadu 17 years, 3 months ago

@ ghg & OL

The racial segregation thing is a thing of the past. That is why I (who is black) can join the Hispanic club. I really doesn't matter, the college is fucked up any way.

@ the whole gm to xbox

That is just part of a megalomaniac rant. I know Xbox is written in C#. Even if the GM runner is rewritten in C#, it still would not run.

F1u 17 years, 3 months ago

lol @ shork. gotta love the mudkip phase. Almost as much as i love the rickrolld phase.