Posted by mazimadu on June 19, 2008, 10:24 p.m.

Hey, 64 digits. I am finally free enough to hang out here. But why should I when the community is so dam friendly (sarcasm). I have noticed that there has been an option under my file manager that keeps changing as well as always bringing me to the front page. That is not a problem, but right now I have an different issue with this site.

A few months ago, I received a prayer from a friend and decided to post it on my blog(http://64digits.com/users/index.php?userid=mazimadu&cmd=comments&id=21655). Since it was a bunch of lines with words of comfort and advice, I don't see how it could offend anyone, or break any of the sites rules. So why would a mod, edit my blog without my consent? I brushed it off since it was included in a ranting blog, but today after returning from a long absence, I find that my banner has been vandalized and my last blog edited, AGAIN!!

I don't know what kind of a community this place is running but I find it offensive to see the very people that are suppose to be maintaining a site abusing their privileges. I don't want a situation where the site gets into trouble because mods go about changing what may be sensitive data. Is some places, that is a crime.

To however is responsible, PLEASE STOP EDITING MY BLOGS, and to the 64 Digits Staff, PLEASE BE MORE RESPONSIBLE MAINTAINING THE SITE! Censoring offensive or potentially offensive blogs is one thing, but indiscriminate editing is just plain wrong!


Ronnica 16 years, 8 months ago

Somebody set us up the bomb!


marbs 16 years, 8 months ago

I wasn't staff back then, nor would I do such a thing.

PY 16 years, 8 months ago

Marbs iz serius.

mazimadu 16 years, 8 months ago

Well since most of the staff claim not to be responsible, it is safe to assume that it must have been phishing. I will change my password then. Thanks for the help guys.

flashback 16 years, 8 months ago

Well if you'd done that when we told the entire site to, it wouldn't have happened.

PY 16 years, 8 months ago

Half the staff don't change their passwords regularly. Especially fsx, so don't act so high, flashy.

melee-master 16 years, 8 months ago

None of the staff did it.

s 16 years, 8 months ago

Yes, makes sense George would of also been phished