[mazi] Background artist needed

Posted by mazimadu on June 9, 2009, 11:30 a.m.

Hello 64 Digits. I see that his site is finally back and am thus ready to return to this blog(reluctantly, after last post 9 months) . So what's going on? And how is everyone that just so happens to be on the site. I would like to know the following though.

  • The state of ENIGMA: Officially, I would love to say forget about G-java, G-creator or what ever nonsensical name TGMG and co have given their little project. If you cannot produce a satisfying demo of your work after all this time then it makes me wonder just what in the world they have been doing(I even went to the site and gave his community a link to Jgame, a java engine with performance on par with Game Maker).

    That leads us back to ENIGMA, which has been in development for about 2 years now. From what I remember, the SHELL was complete and it was able to draw sprites on screen. All it needed was a decent collision engine. I also remember someone boasting that it would be done before Game Maker 8 Comes out, so you guys (Josh "@Dreamland" Ventura and Ludamad, I am talking to you) better get your act together. I still support the project. Don't make me doubt you

  • The state of The Square Adventures:

    Link at yoyogames

    This largely ignored game has come along way since I first started making it. After all this time I am still having trouble looking for someone who can help me with backgrounds. Coding and everything else comes easy, but backgrounds?

    If you are reading this and know how to make graphics that mimics my graphical style plese PM me.

    Else Just play the game.

    That's it from Mazimadu. So long.
  • Comments

    eagly 15 years, 8 months ago

    What's wrong with the current backgrounds?

    mazimadu 15 years, 8 months ago

    For the first stage, nothing

    For the next stage I am making, not very good[:|]

    I was trying to make something that looked kinda like Giant's Causeway. But it didn't come out right.