Kyle engine 3.4

Posted by mazimadu on Jan. 15, 2010, 10:43 p.m.

First off, Happy New Year!! May the new decade bring many good things to all.

Now that that's done with on to the point. I have been toying around with a platform engine I made with GMphysics. I engine has been tweeked to death and is now in it's 9th version. The problem I have now is what to do with it. I have no idea what design decisions I what to implement. To make it an adventure, a puzzle platformer like dominoes or an epic non-linear game like cave story.

For that reason I am placing the engine here for you guys to play with. The features are as follows.

[1] Characters can interact with objects with GMphysics. Basically you can pick up and throw barrels, as well as stand on them.

[2] 2 playable characters(change them using the script "scr_superglobal_inti()").

[3] 3 enemy types and 2 with AI routines(one using timelines and the other using alarms).

[4] A cutscene using timelines.

[5] A mechanism for changing rooms(note rooms are persistent)

[6] A level up system(however there are only noticeable differences for kyle. I never got to adding stuff for KK).

[7] ogg vorbis support using super sound dll.

Tell me what you think I should to with it. Your comments are much appreciated.


Scott_AW 15 years, 1 month ago

At least change the settings in bevel.

mazimadu 15 years, 1 month ago

@ kilin

Very true. To be honest, I have tried a great deal to improve my graphics and have made a large number of sprites for my game. The problem is that I tried to follow a style of my own(the Bevled style) and ended up with something inconsistent.

I will try searching various forums for an artist. If I'm lucky someone will help me with tiles & backgrounds. If all else fails I will make the game anyway and pray people like it regardless.

marbs 15 years, 1 month ago

Are you using GM 6.1?

If not, have you encountered problems using GMphysics with GM?

In my experience I have found that GMphysics does not work* in GM7, not tried GM8 though.

*It works to a certain extend, but spews out errors similar to what Kaz got

ATOGAMES 15 years, 1 month ago

Iv'e been modifying Gmphysics tirelessly since discovering my beloved isn't compatible with GM8.

Or Im screwing up and making the engine worse.

Castypher 15 years, 1 month ago

@mazi: Try to at least be consistent with your graphical style, and most people don't really care what they look like.

Example: everyone's doing the monochrome games lately. That's as simple as you can get but nobody's really complaining.

Spriting sucks if you're not a graphical genius. I think many GM users would agree.

mazimadu 15 years, 1 month ago

@ marbs

I am using gm6. Besides the new png sprite engine and being able to export levels and objects (which could be useful at times), GM8 IS AN UTTER WASTE OF TIME! I Just use the gmconveter mark overmars made. Games work on Vista perfectly, however I have not tested games with gmphysics or games on Windows 7.