WARNING: The following was copy pasted from the gmc, so forgive my blatant froum language
Hi guys. I need a little help with a game I am making. You see I am making a game where you have to fight a dragon by climbing to its head. So far I have the movement, attacks, and grapple code implemented; as seen below:

Right now the dragon is following the mouse. I am trying to make the dragon follow a predetermined path that changes based on the players location. Basically, I want the dragon to:
1. Move in a wavy motion left and right of the screen.
2. Slightly dive down to fire a fireball, then return to 1.
3. If the player is on it, move upwards and make a loop-de-loop.
4. If the player is really close to the head, avoid flying to 3 specific points on the screen.
All the while, speed is constant.
If you have Game maker 8(registered), you can try implementing your code with this stripped down version of the dragon.
http://www.box.net/shared/vs02xaz7imIf you can help out please reply this post. :)
The only thing I could think of is to use paths, both relevant and absolute. It wouldn't be perfect, but it would make it predictable - which bosses usually are in good games (sometimes). You would need a path for each of the circumstances.
Tried it, this wouldn't work as well.
For "1" paths work fine, but when it comes to moving from one state to another, the movement gets really jerky.Also the head is not on the path, it follows an object(or rather, an object that follows the mouse). If the head where to follow the path, it would be unable to move anywhere else.Look at the problem mathematically. Paths are a waste of time.
That boss used paths. Mine is going to have more in common with Colossus 13 from Shadow of the Colossus (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0W6oWgARSE).I'm stealing the GM file you provided. I've been looking for this for years.
Your dragon's hands look like he is Italian and talking about the meatballs on his mothers pasta.
Its true. O_o
make the dragon follow an object moving in a path and make the object only move when the dragon is close by. this is a bit messy but it will work for smooth transitions.
lmfao Ferret
Indeed lol.@meow44I actually thought of that. Is it possible to make the path object stop under certain conditions? That way, the dragon can deviate from the path a little and then return.