I was surfing the net today and came across this little article posted by Engadget.com detailing the posibble development of a PlayStation branded smartphone that runs on the up and coming Android 3.0 OS.
http://www.engadget.com/2010/08/11/exclusive-sony-ericsson-to-introduce-android-3-0-gaming-platfor/According to the article, a "reliable source" told the magazine that Sony Ericsson is currently developing a smart phone that is in the Xperia family (phones with 500+ Mhz processors) that will possess a D-pad and buttons instead of a typical QWERTY keyboard. In place of an analog stick, there will be a touch pad slider that mimics the motions of the stick (much like laptops). I don't know how that would work, but that sure beats using the nub. As for games, expect to see some rehashes of PSX/PSP games as well as releases from other Sony franchises like God of War, Ratchet and Clank, and LittleBigPlanet..
If this is true then that means that it might be possible to develop for PlayStation and Android simultaneously. Running android apps on it would be a no brainer, but if it were indeed using a 1 Ghz processor than it could potentially emulate PSP games on the thing (since android can unofficially do that with an emulator). With Yoyogames developing the
PSP runner and projects such as the
Rokon game Engine (needs an IDE. hmmm) game development has never become this great. The possibilities are just endless.
Personally, I am surprised that the PlayStation team agreed to do this at all. Wouldn't releasing a gaming phone steal the thunder of the PSP?
The games in the 90s invented half the shit you are using in your games. Respect them.
64Digits truly is my home. Thank you for reaffirming this, Mega and blackhole.
Lets perform some de-alliteration, moving backwards.I have to point out that the mere existence of a Starfox 64 remake on the 3DS is enough to make me want it more then any other handheld ever, especially one that's involved with Sony.
As for you ignoring the existence of super metroid… ugh screw this.Besides the whole ___ gimmick, there is, nothing, NOTHING revolutionary about the ____.
There, now it applies to all systems ever created.I think Kabob's the closest on this one.