Hello 64d. I've been absent from here for quite some time, with very rare visits. I feel very bad about it.
Basically, I have a lot of spare time now that I'm done school and don't have a job. So, 64d, I ask for a list of things that you want done. Bugs are preferable since the site needs to function fine before it can advance.I make no guarantees - I don't even have the server info! - but if I do get a hold of it, I will see what I can do.Edit. Within seconds of my visit, I see something very wrong. That Black Jack game is messed up. Here begins my list:-fix Blackjack game link
1. Fix game submission
1. noissimbus emag xiF1. Ifx gmae ssiibousmn[^^] [<<] [>>] [:D] [:'(] [XD] [:O] [>:(]
Check:http://64digits.com/users/sir%20Xemic/angry.PNGhttp://64digits.com/users/sir%20Xemic/bigeyed.PNGhttp://64digits.com/users/sir%20Xemic/crying.PNGhttp://64digits.com/users/sir%20Xemic/embarrassed.PNGhttp://64digits.com/users/sir%20Xemic/fake_grin.PNGhttp://64digits.com/users/sir%20Xemic/fucked.PNGhttp://64digits.com/users/sir%20Xemic/get_lost.PNGhttp://64digits.com/users/sir%20Xemic/happy.PNGhttp://64digits.com/users/sir%20Xemic/laughing.PNGhttp://64digits.com/users/sir%20Xemic/neutral.PNGhttp://64digits.com/users/sir%20Xemic/pinch.PNGhttp://64digits.com/users/sir%20Xemic/razz.PNGhttp://64digits.com/users/sir%20Xemic/sad.PNGhttp://64digits.com/users/sir%20Xemic/shocked.PNGhttp://64digits.com/users/sir%20Xemic/unsure.PNGhttp://64digits.com/users/sir%20Xemic/wink.PNGhttp://64digits.com/users/sir%20Xemic/zipped.PNGFix game submission.
Change the "All games rated 7/8/9 or higher" badges to "Average game score of 7.5/8.5/9.5" since if I have fifty games rated 10/10 and one game that's rated 6.9/10, under the current system I wouldn't get the badge. And that doesn't accurately reflect on the quality of the games produced.
also move the old bean badge over with the other 'achievement' badges (instead of after the user badges)
also can i get http://cybernations.64digits.com back up plx thx (though I think fsx has the backup of teh site ._.)
What they said.
The guest counter. Fix it.
Also, uhh, is it just me or does adding "www." before "64digits" in the address bar make pages load noticeably faster?
Fix community.