Just bought the Oculus Rift

Posted by melee-master on May 1, 2013, 6:28 a.m.

I've literally never been so excited for the launch of something before. This thing is going to completely revolutionize gaming. Even in games without head tracking the sheer immersion factor will be phenomenal. A few hours ago I preordered the dev kit which is scheduled to ship in June. I wanted to preorder sooner but I needed to be sure that I had enough money for my bills and my flight to Chicago in a few weeks.

No idea if I'll actually develop anything, but I do know one thing: I want it and I WANT IT ASAFP. As soon as fucking possible :D TF2 already supports it, Hawken is going to support it, The Gallery is a sweet looking game designed from the ground up for it and Minecraft is going to get support for it eventually. The list is bigger than that though, and I'm sure it'll get bigger and bigger pretty quickly. The reviews of it all say it's amazing and the first device to get VR right.

I'm also so excited that I've already downloaded a couple drivers that will let me play games that aren't officially supported with it. The consumer version will blow it away in terms of specs, but I don't feel like waiting until early 2014. And now I have even more of a reason to buy a new graphics card…

Anyone else gonna get the dev kit? It's $300 USD + $45 shipping (for me) which ended up costing $356 CAD.



VR desktop: http://developer.oculusvr.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=423


LAR Games 11 years, 9 months ago

Yey! Another person on this site with an oculus rift! I can't wait to hear what all of you think about it. Man, I'll probably only get one when the consumer version comes out. :(

melee-master 1 year, 11 months ago

melee-master 1 year, 11 months ago