My computer died

Posted by mesenberg on Feb. 3, 2007, 1:15 p.m.

Actually I killed it.

*thats not me*

Well, I havent yet, but I got soo mad that I reformatted (of coarce I saved my projects n stuff) and as soon as I can buy a new one this one shall suffer the same fate as the one above did! (or I might just sell it on ebay…..NAH!)

WHY DID I REFORMAT? well, to make a long story short, I was getting fed up with slowness cause of too much junk and I was trying to install php so I can work with it on my comp, I didnt know much so I had like 3 versions placed around on my pc when I decided that I needed apache… (or found out [:P] ) so I got mad and reformated, nice and clean.

I reminded myself "Dont get mad, Get glad!" so I got my glad and some lysol and cleaned the 1inch thick dirt off of the exterior!

and thats about all there is to this blog, anyone else gotten fed up with there comp? The video above solves all your problems!



Crane-ium 18 years ago

my comp DIDN'T die