My computer died.

Posted by mesenberg on March 26, 2008, 12:07 p.m.

R.I.P. Old computer… The power supply went out basicly. The good news is that I was able to get it to power up long enough to get my files off of it. The really good news is that I was able to get a brand new used XP!! (lol) Its not that great, a couple years old and doesnt even have an AGP slot in it (cheap manufacturers..) so I had to go with a PCI slot gcard.

My new specs are:

760mb ram (meh…)

2.93GHz Celeron CPU… (alot better than my 750MHz on my old one)

40GB HD (blah..)

128Mb graphix memory. (standard need these days)

I got it for $250. I probably could've done better by building it but I didnt want to wait for shiping…

Oh, I named her Trogeta btw.

Anyways so I've got this game in full production that is at least for now called The Arc. However that might change. Here's a screenie:

Graphix and gameplay in screen are totaly subject to change.

The game is for the YoYo games comp, me and my bro are working hard to get it done by then. Only a month left! EEK! We set deadlines for ourselves to help us get it done in time. This saturday we plan to have a public demo done with probably 1 or 2 battles you can play. Then we have 2 more weeks before the second demo. After that we have 1 more week to finish the game. Then we have to make sure its polished and submit it on the 25th or 26th. Competitions definatly help people get out of lazyness.

Im also making a game for the 64d entropy contest, it was kindof funny, I was just thinking about a game when I read the news post about the contest and it fit beautifuly! Its a mini-game, WW2ish. I think I could place higher than 5th this time.. Ill just put a little more effort into the small things.



mesenberg 16 years, 10 months ago

4 years into the future Trogeta will be an old fart…