pushing on

Posted by mesenberg on May 31, 2008, 8:56 p.m.

Im pushing 7k views with this blog! Lets get 46 hits comon guys! That really isnt impressive though considering Ive been around since this website was origonally created!

Well, I just created a vid on youtube describing my current projects with video feed available!!!

CHECK it out!!!


Its quite cool if you ask me but no makin fun of my voice. The commentary is live and not scripted so thats why im a bit slow, had to multitask, its hard to do..


1) I got 4 job applications today

2) your mom…

3) its the last day of may

4) Obama sucks!!!!

5) McCain sux too. this is a terrible election.

6) have a great day

7) I have to go fix my car



RC 16 years, 8 months ago

Indeed, it is the last day of May.

Kenon 16 years, 8 months ago

I'll reply to all of your numbers. Ahem…

1) Sweet, maybe you'll get a job.

2) No, your mom!

3) No, it's the first day of June! D:

4) No u

5) No u

6) No u

7) You need to go fix your FACE!

RC 16 years, 8 months ago

Indeed, it's now the first day of June.

Toadsanime 16 years, 8 months ago

I'm not sure that this website was ever 'origonally' created at all… :D Man, I love typos/misspellings sometimes.

1) Hoorah! Good luck,I hope you manage to get a good job.

2) I live in England, so I don't have a Mom, I have a <i>Mum</i>

3) Well, it's June now… *pinch, punch*

4) Meh…

5) The election doesn't make much of an impact over here. It's getting loads of news coverage, but the outcome won't change our lives as dramatically as it will yours.

6) Thanks, you too :D

7) *plays small violin* Diddums… :(

VigilantPsyche 16 years, 8 months ago

The video started off very dramatically: "HELLO! This is mesenberg."

Nice projects. Apparently youtube has a new player too. :D

Scott_AW 16 years, 8 months ago

I'm just waiting for the bigest political hissy fit to start once it comes down to the end…well, it's pretty much been on going but I sense an enjoyable climax coming.