I don't know how to put a freakin title on my blogs

Posted by mesenberg on Aug. 7, 2008, 2:40 p.m.

Okey so progress is coming along on my island/alien extermination game. So the alien plague is sweeping across this ocean dominated planet and your trying to stop it by island hopping your way to the mother hive. Sound alot like zerg off of starcraft? Yeah its kindof like that. So you have a computer controled squad that help you and thus make the game "co-op". But the contest deadline is almost here and progress is stalling so I probably wont get it done in time. (considering the game doesnt even have a menu yet, still only the testing level…)

Overall though it was a good expirience making it and I advanced my technology a long ways.


Down to the good stuff. So Im going on my junior year of high school and Im going to be homeschooled which is a relief from the tards at the private school i went to last year. I just dont understand why people dont get good grades when you dont really even have to be smart!!! All you have to do is drop the xbox controller for a few minutes and do your homework! Gosh! *end of rant*

So im taking physics with a homeschool class and an AP spanish class at a local college. Then im taking algebra 2, and History+literature combined…

So I went to boondocks fun center the other day and rode the go-carts… Now of course your not alot to bump cars and you cant really win the race so the fun thing to do while driving is see how many people you can spin out without getting caught. Its fun, you just have to be on there tail when they go around a corner and then just go straight so that you push their tail end around and they go straight into the near wall. Laser tag is also a decent game but the fog smells funny. And it never hurts when your hangin with a load of gurls.

1) "Why so serious? Lets put a smile on that face!"

2) Actually in all realness, I thought dark knight sucked… joker was only cool part.

3) Please tell me your problems and Ill tell you idc. :)

4) Hi!

5) In sum cultures, sumtimes peobles dunt take americans seriusly. i wunder y?



Acid 16 years, 7 months ago


Arcalyth 16 years, 7 months ago

I like to pretend I'm racing when I'm in gokarts. I pass a lot but at our gokart place they shut all the gokarts off if someone spins out, and it cuts into our time racing. >_>

Zac1790 16 years, 7 months ago

Everyone loves the joker…

But seriously mesenberg, I can make you a menu, pick a font from flashkit, etc. It would be easy to help you along as I'm not bogged down in that project :P

mesenberg 16 years, 7 months ago

oh I dont have a problem making a menu I was merely pointing out how far I am in development as in "Im not vere far in development because I dont even have a menu yet."