What terrible days these are for money! Work is scarce and money scarcer! Im glad im not on my own yet. But my dad doesnt have a job so its really not much better. The work section of the newspaper is about half a page, down from 2 full pages last year. Nobody is hiring but everyone needs money!
In these days of desperation I am considering self-employing online somehow or other for spare change… I'm probably no where near as tech savy as most of you who will read this blog but really, when compared to the average person you meet, ppl just dont know how things work on a pc. I could just spiffy up my website building skills (or anything sellable) and try to pull in a few hundred a month or so. Couldn't be too hard if im commited. Anybody see this as a feasable venture? On other news, I am going Xmas shopping for pplz tomorrow evening with $50 bucks and a $10 coupon! So well see how well I can spread the dough around. Anyone here want anything for xmas? (Why am I too lazy to type out Christmas anyways? Meh, Xmas just looks cool)I am going to start learning guitar next semester! MUAHAHA! Soon I will release a hit single which will rocket straight to the top of the bilboard bottom 20!!!! THEN ALL WILL KNOW AND FEAR ME! 1) were pushing for 11,000 hits with this blog!! 2) free beer to the 11,000 hit viewer!3) did I mention the free beer! 4) I should invent Snow Umbrellas!!!-mesenberg
*spams F5*
… Shit, didn't work.Internet can turn an idiot into a very pc litterate person.
@MMORPGguy you have to wait for a different person to view first.
Well it must not have worked out considering you started working at walmart
Actually it did, I made a few hundred bucks.
thats encouraging news kaz!
If you need money, you could consider web design… I know some people that will pay thousands of dollars for someone to make a web site for them.
I hate your banner.