My life in a nutshell.

Posted by mesenberg on Oct. 31, 2005, 9:04 a.m.

I was born.

Then I started to grow.

Then I played with legos.

Then I grew some more.

Then I played football and won district champioship.

Then, I met HER….I visited her every second I could… parents tried to pull me away from the relasionship…but they failed…and now I'm forever locked in her charm….My computer.

Well, that about sumes it up. Whats your life story?


firestormx 19 years, 4 months ago

I as well.

Except for the football thing.

And now I met another HER, who I spend every second I can with.

Fortunatly the first "her" doesn't mind when I ditch her for the second "her".

MJGamesInc 19 years, 4 months ago

same pretty much…

I was born

I started to gro

Then I learned about hip hop

Then I grew a lil more

Then I played baseball

Then I played basketball

then I played football

then I played lacross

then I started to weight lift a lot

then I stopped sports

still weight lifting

Pretty good life

twisterghost 19 years, 4 months ago

heres mine:

i got born'd

i ate

i took a lot of shits

i computer'd

then i died…i guess…