the foo thief

Posted by mesenberg on Nov. 5, 2005, 12:57 p.m.

Here are a few stories of a few foos.

Once upon a time there was a bankrobber who stoll a hundred dollars worth of pennies. The same day, he was caught at wal-mart trying to cash it all in. Him and his humungus bags full of copper. The-End

Once upon a time a robber held up a bank with his gun. When the clerk gave him what he wanted then he asked to place it into his bank acount AT THAT VERY BANK. lol The-End

Once upon a time a theif stoll a lot of goods from someones house. One of the neighbors saw him and confascated his keys from his car. The guy called the police on the neighbor saying that his car keys were stollin. SEE HOW IT FEELS TO BE ROBBED MISTER. lol


These are actually real stories that I got from a magazine. :)



Alpha Man 18 years, 11 months ago

They sound like noobs. lol

gamehawk 18 years, 11 months ago

Robbers sure are dumb sometimes!