arpeegees and possessed toys

Posted by mikemacdee on May 18, 2012, 7:09 a.m.

Regarding my RPG entry, I'm waiting until I've got a complete and working engine before I decide on what story to go with. Presently my indecisiveness is tripping me up, so I just won't worry about it yet. Though due to my arthritic elbows, don't be surprised if I end up choosing my webcomic over all future game projects in the next few weeks. I've finished games in less than a month before, so that shouldn't ever become an issue, but still…

Anyway, I got the inventory working in a matter of five minutes. I didn't think I could learn how to write and implement lists in GML that quickly.

In the meantime I have another thingie that's almost finished…

…a two-player Gauntlet shooter I've been working on for the last month or so. It's far from perfect – it's made by me, after all – but I've playtested it with a few friends and it was shockingly fun. Like Gauntlet, your stamina ticks down like a timer: the goal of each level is to find the exit while collecting all the loot you can, which is tallied at the end of the level and converted to stamina points. Between that and all the nasty hidden traps, two-player gameplay gets cutthroat real quick. All I gotta do is decide what to do about the story segments and the music (i'm using the Thrill Kill ost as placeholder music presently, and it really suits the gameplay).

Features 41 levels, 8 weapons, and a dozen nasty toys. It plays best with at least 1 joypad, otherwise two players gotta share a keyboard.

EDIT: more screenshots, now that I'm awake enough to grab them. these are chopped in half – normally both players' screens are always visible, a la Crackdown.

Misty puts a few Anklebiters to bed on the first map.

Break enough toys and the maps start to look very colorful!

Chatty Cathy lunged across the screen and gnawed on my face before i could reach F9…

Mister Bunbuns loves hiding around corners and shooting you in the back.


mikemacdee 12 years, 8 months ago

Gawd, I remember them. And the stupid chinchilla refugees who kept going "hoh-heeh-hoh-heeh".

I think I came up with some pretty unique evil toy ideas for this one, and each one brings something different to the table. Pretty sure the nigh-unkillable Creepy Putties are the worst of the lot.