stop-motion critter love

Posted by mikemacdee on Oct. 4, 2012, 12:44 a.m.

Been ages since my last post here. Though I doubt anyone was missing me…

I was on a Ray Harryhausen creature feature kick recently and decided to spend about five days throwing this silly little game together, based on the movie of the same name:

The Goal: capture dinos to spice up the wild west show.

The opposition: heavily armed gypsies, territorial dinosaurs, and a big, mean t-rex that uses everything in its path as a chew toy.

I submitted it for Scary Four – seeing as Gwangi is constantly hunting you, and you don't know where he is, and when he suddenly appears you generally flee in terror whilst shouting gibberish and expletives – but I dunno if it'll be accepted. If not I'll provide a download link in another blog post.


mikemacdee 12 years, 3 months ago

Heh, Papa always told me, "There's no such thing as being early. There's 'on time' and there's 'late'." So I'm going back to my comic, I guess…

I believe the only thing in this game that I ever used before in some form or another was the gray rock texture, which was never gray before. Everything else is brand new.