
Posted by monkeyboy on Sept. 10, 2007, 8:22 p.m.

My favorite team is the Sacramento Kings now I know they suck but I like them because they have a sweet website, some of their players are super good, and they have an awesome mascot. You may not like basketball but boy is it cool once you start liking it. My friend and I are starting a fan club. It is going to be awesome hopefully because I got a trailer a month a go and that is going to be where our fan club is. It is a huge trailer, but it would have been better if we got a fifth wheeler because you can sit in a fifth wheeler while you are going camping. The second location for our fan club is my friends RV. I know your wondering why I am telling you this stuff and so here is why, if you want to be part of the fan club on the computer just tell me got it okay.

What are we going to do?

We are going to just going talk about if we learned anything new on the king’s website. Here it is if you do not know, so that is where we mainly get our information. It sounds boring huh. But we do other stuff like play basketball with each other (of course you can’t do that, but you can tell me if you learned any tricks or anything like that) then sometimes if we go to each others houses we play tag of some soccer too maybe. And by the way let me know if you have a different favorite team. All right then see you later. And also how do you put pictures on here? I'm just a beginner at this.


LunchTime 17 years, 5 months ago

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