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Posted by mooselumph on April 28, 2005, 11 p.m.

I finally added the rest of my examples. The GM5 examples are pretty old, but some of them are still cool.


firestormx 19 years, 9 months ago

Wow, tons of examples! ^_^

Wow, it was like 2:30am here when you were browsing the site.

I have apache on my computer and stuff, but I wanted to test the site on the actual server. It was 2:30am, I didn't think anyone would be on then. (Still a stupid thing to do, I know)

Sorry if the site kept blowing up while you were trying to browse.

Anyway, in my blog, when I said move to Africa, I was refering to the World Vision comericals, where you can sponsor a kid for a dollar a day.

btw, the prices in my blog are in Canadian Dollars. ;)

firestormx 19 years, 9 months ago

Oh, and about your news comment:

Alright, I should have #1 done by tomorow evening. I hope.

And that's a good idea about the catagorizing thing. =)

And yes, this site runs off a mysql database. One day I sat down and read for an hour, then I went of to Canadonian's house, and said "I know how to work with MySQL. Let's make another site." (We've made four other .com sites. None of them got very popular. And only two of the used PHP. And none of them were database driven.)

So, after about a month of working on the weekend, we produced this site.

But you didn't need to know all that, so moving on to the asp question:

I've never even looked at an asp script before. However, I've heard that asp, and php are very similar.

By I've heard they're similar, I mean that php, asp, and perl are all mentioned together a lot.

However, even if they're not all that similar, PHP is a really simple language to learn, especialy if you know standard code syntax, which, of course, you do know, since you've worked with gml, and asp.

It'd be awesome if I could get you to help out a bit with the php stuff. However, this site is really just a mess of functions and if statments. It'd be really hard to show you how everything works, in order to have you help out.

However, if I find something fairly non-messy that I need, I'll let ya' know, and show you all the stuff you'll need to learn in PHP to create the system. =)

To sum it all up:

-I'll be implimenting feature #1 tomorow.

-ASP is similar to PHP. I think.

-It's really awesome of you to offer to help with the site, but it'll be pretty frustrating for both of us to try and decode my scripts, so you can add on to it.

However, if I do need something that's not all tangled up in my scripts, I'll let you know. =)

mooselumph 19 years, 9 months ago

2:30? We must be in different time zones. I'm going to guess that you're in the middle time zone of Canada. Either that, or on the East side. Anyway, the site kind of changed, but I just thought that my cache wasn't updating correctly.

"the prices in my blog are in Canadian Dollars. ;)"

Oh, yeah, I wasn't thinking about that.

Anyway, I'll read an article about PHP and see what I can learn. Maybe I'll be able to help.

firestormx 19 years, 9 months ago

Yeah, I'm three hours ahead of you. =)

That'd be awesome if I can find something for you to help with. ^_^

firestormx 19 years, 9 months ago

After spending 5 hours coding a 1 hour project, I have come to the conclusion that I don't like working with the game/example script.

I came to this conclusion before I attempted to make the catagorizing thing.

<table style="border: solid 1px #000000; font-family: verdana; font-size: 10px; color: #000000;" width="100%"><tr><td>Games Rated 10/10 ————————-

Game 1

Game 2

Games Rated 9/10 ————————-

Game 3

Game 4 </td></tr></table>

So, I don't think I'm gonna do that yet. I'll put it in my "to do" list though.

mooselumph 19 years, 9 months ago

Yeah, it seems a little buggy. Maybe I can help once I learn some PHP. (Still haven't gotten to it yet)

firestormx 19 years, 9 months ago

lol, you don't have to rush yourself or anything. =P

All you really need to learn are the commands. And you can find those at

You found some bugs in the script? Let me know if it happens again.

And yeah, it's pretty amazing how many people have had birthdays. O_o

mooselumph 19 years, 9 months ago

Here's one bug:

When you're browsing examples and tell it to display only GM5, it displays both GM5 and GM6. There were some others, but they seem to have been fixed.

firestormx 19 years, 9 months ago

Alright, thanks for telling me about that. Fixed it. =)

Yeah, I have this really bad habbit of not testing stuff before I upload it.

The next day I'm going through the site going "oh crap, there's a bug. Oh look, there's another. Haha, I'm stupid. -_-"

So yeah, I'm constantly fixing random bugs. =P

firestormx 19 years, 9 months ago

Hey, is your hosting back up for your site yet?

If not, we can give you a subdomain here at 64D., or something.

It'll have unlimited space/bandwidth. (Well, not unlimited. But unless you're putting 700 meg movies on there, things should be fine.)

And of course, it's got php, asp, mysql, and all that good stuff.

<a href="" target="_blank">Mesenberg</a> needed a host, so we gave him one. I figured it'd only be fair to give you some space too. =)

So anyway, if you do want some space, send us a message (through 'contact us') with what you want your subdomain to be called, and what you want your password to be for ftp access.