Head for the Hills!

Posted by mooselumph on May 11, 2005, 11 p.m.

Call the pest control, my house has been invaded!

Yes, it's true. My house is no longer ecologically stable.

It all started with the explosion of fleas: If you ever felt an itch, you knew it was a flea, because they were litterally everywhere. We were eventually able to control the outbreak with a flea bomb.

However, immediately after we we had rid ourselves of that pestilence, we discovered a new threat: a large population of mice had developed underneath our house, and was ransacking our cupboards, and eating our food. We were never able to destroy this population, and it is still affecting us.

More recently (today), our house has become the home of a large group of swallows. I actually think this is kind of cool. You can see them out there, making their nests, and flying around all day long. The only problem, is that they make quite a big mess. I guess we'll deal with it, though.

That's about all there is about that.

For anyone who want's to know, I'm still planning on uploading my game, LOO. I'm not going to upload it as a WIP, though, because I'm not planning on finishing it. I'm probably just going to create a new topdown shooter from scratch.

Well, I would say more about other random things, but I should go to bed.


firestormx 19 years, 9 months ago

Ugh, that sucks. Mice are hard to get rid of.

Fortunatly, you got rid of the fleas. =)

Fleas suck.

Meh, I'm not <b>that</b> great at the piano. I'm in grd 8 piano, so I'm mehish I guess.

Sorry if I offended you with some of my statements. =P

It's just that I've been doing piano for…I do'nt remember how long, but more than half my life.

And the only time it's ever benifited me, was when I got 10 bucks to play some songs at an old people's home when I was 9.

And I get the feeling that's never going to happen again. =P

Yeah, the summer is gonna be awesome. What kind of math are you going to be doing this summer? I could probably come down there, do all your math work in a week, then me and my friend can "kidnap" you, have your parents give us a $300 CND ransom for your bus ticket, then not give you back for a week or two, and we can all go visit Alanna in BC. =)

mooselumph 19 years, 9 months ago

Don't worry, I wasn't really offended (I think you probably figured that out).

It's a college pre-calculus class.

Yeah, that would be fun. You'd have to be pretty good at math to do all of that homework in one week.

firestormx 19 years, 9 months ago

Meh, I'm doing grd 12 calculus right now.

It's hard if you don't understand it, but once you understand it (Like everything) it becomes quite simple.

If you've got any questions in the course this summer, don't be afraid to ask me. I'll try my best to help you out. ^_^

mooselumph 19 years, 9 months ago

And I thought I was ahead…

You must be extremely good at math.

firestormx 19 years, 9 months ago

Hey, I'm asian, what can I say?

lol, I've been homeschooled all my life (Well, sort of homeschooled. I go to highschool online, so yeah)

My mom started teaching me to read, and count and stuff when I was two or three. (I'm not sure when she started, but I was reading little books by age 3)

And math…I dunno, I just always loved math.

I was able to get ahead, because all my mom ever taught me, was math and english.

So instead of the numerous subjects other kids my age had to do, I only had two subjects. So I was able to get ahead in those.

Even now, in highschool, I'm only doing three courses. (Calculus, Geography, and Computer Science.)

Next year I have to start doing 8 courses though. (I've been doing attending a few highschool courses since I was 10, so I was able to get myself a few credits)

Fortunatly, I won't have math next year, so I should do fairly well. (Right now, math takes up pretty much ALL of my school time.)

So yeah, basicaly, you're ahead of me in everything but math. =P

I guess I didn't really need to tell you my whole life's story eh…

mooselumph 19 years, 9 months ago

Wow. At three year's old, I guess I played with Lego. I don't really have any idea what life was like at three. I know I couldn't read, though. I didn't even no that letters made sounds until kindergarten.

Sounds like an interesting way of approaching school. Have you ever wanted to go to a traditional school?

Up untill this year, I've been to private schools. From K-6, I went to a small elementary school called Pleasant Hill Christian. Then, in Junior High, I went to Santa Rosa Christian.

This year, I started out going to a school called "Technology High School." It was supposed to have and advanced math program, as well as developed science, computer, and robotics classes. It was also conveniently located on the campus of a college.

Unfortunately, the school was a complete joke. The math teacher used a book called "Integrated Mathematics." It was supposed to approach math in a "hands-on" (I hate that word) sort of way. Well, I started getting suspicious when she made us right a page detailing the process of making a Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich. I was sure that there was something wrong when we had to write another paper about our feelings regarding the land that was taken away from Native Americans.

At this point, she had already proved herself incapable of basic reason on several occasions. One of the the most notable was this:

We were given an assignment somewhat like this:

Mrs. Whatever was on her way to the market with her eggs, when she tripped, destroying all of her eggs. She went to her insurance company, but the agent needed to know how many eggs she had. She didn't know how many eggs there were, but she knew this, this, this, and this. And then you had to figure out how many eggs there were.

Yes, I know that that is an extremely idiotic problem. But that is beside the point. I soon realized that there were an infinite number of solutions to the problem, so I wrote a computer program to find a huge amount of them, and write them to a file.

In my view, I had gone way beyond what the problem was asking for. The rest of the class had stupidly wasted their time plugging in numbers until something worked, and eventually only found one solution. Meanwhile, I had written a program to solve to problem, not once, but many times.

Well, the teacher didn't share my view. I got an F, for some reason related to "Critical Thinking."

Anyway, the rest of the school was pretty much the same way. The robotics club accomplished nothing, the computer class was pretty much a place for people to abuse the internet, and the science class was too "hands-on" for me. We would spend a whole day, dropping balls and seeing how fast they fell. "Well, there's gravity for ya'll."

So, I left High Tech Pre-School, and started homeschooling. I also started taking some classes at the local Junior College. Well, I soon discovered that I had an inability to do work at home. Yep, every day, I discover that. I haven't gotten much done this year, but hopefully I'll be able to make up for it next year, when I go back to private school.

Well, that's my story. I'm glad it's off my chest.

firestormx 19 years, 9 months ago

Wow, that 'technology' school is one hell of a screwed up school.

It's hard getting work done with your computer at home, eh.