Tools of the Trade

Posted by mr8bit on Sept. 26, 2012, 10:50 a.m.

So I'm working on this soundtrack for Rez's S4D game. I figured I would post some pictures and info about the actual instruments I am using. You know, if anyone is interested.

This is my Techniques 1200 and Numark mixer. If anyone is interested in scratching, a 1200 is a MUST. There's a reason it's the gold standard.

This is a shitty little Casio toy piano. The cool thing about it is its sampling capability. You can record a short sample and then slow it down or speed it up depending on what key you press. Perfect for making ZOMBIE NOISES.

This is my drum set. It's about as shitty as the quality of the picture I took of it. BUT, with proper EQing and mixing, it sounds LESS shitty.

This is the main keyboard I am using for this soundtrack. The Roland JX-3P. This thing is full of vintage 80s cheese, but it's fully customizable through the use of the most maddening interface ever created. No knobs. I can't imagine why someone thought this was a good idea.

And here's the brain behind it all. The MPC-4000. Simply put: this is the best sampler AND sequencer ever created. This is what makes all my sloppy, shitty sounds come together and make sweet love. This machine actually makes me sound competent.

So there it is. I would post some preview tracks, but that would spoil the surprise. So I hope you liked looking at these shitty pictures instead. If you didn't, then too bad.


Charlie Carlo 12 years, 4 months ago

The images, they are broken.

Edit: Not any more, they're not.

JuurianChi 12 years, 4 months ago

The MPC-4000.

The Roland JX-3P

drum set.

shitty little Casio toy piano

Techniques 1200 and Numark mixer

Juurian saves the day again.

Charlie Carlo 12 years, 4 months ago

Woah snap, you have actual stuff.

I just use Reason.

JuurianChi 12 years, 4 months ago

This is a nice spread.

You get what you pay for after all.

Some asshat broke keys on my Casio.

mr8bit 12 years, 4 months ago

Well I knew I would screw something up sooner or later. Thanks for the fix. Sorry for the shit.

sirxemic 12 years, 4 months ago

Hardware is overrated.

Nah J/K, I wish I had a midi controller (probably gonna get one in the next few weeks/months; also, my birthday is in 16 days), and synthesizers could be fun, and lately I'm getting the feeling that a guitar would be nice as well. But ATM, Reason satisfies my needs just fine :D