Bunch of Stuff

Posted by mr8bit on Nov. 26, 2012, 12:10 p.m.

First of all I got two new tracks for you guys to check out. Rez got us going on some surf stuff with the Carny Death Peddlers soundtrack. We had so much fun making the title theme that we decided to explore the genera a little more. This is what we came up with:


The next track is just something we pieced together from some jams we did. That's actually how we come up with the ideas for most of our music- but more on that later. The weird glitchy stuff at the beginning of this track happened quite by accident. My MPC does this strange thing where if you record a sample while playing a sequence, when you go to save it, the sample gets mapped as a keygroup and replaces all of the previous samples in the sequence. I thought it sounded cool, so I incorporated it into the song. Check it out:

Trip to Costco

And now we get to the real meat and potatoes of this blog. I'm posting one of our most recent jams so you all can see our creative process in action. If you listen, you will notice that the first part of the jam was reworked and used in Trip to Costco. Come to think of it, there is probably some Procrastination in this jam somewhere, too.

I'm on the drums and Glock is on the keys. We overdubbed an additional synth track over the entire jam during the mix down. We like to experiment with different, trippy sounds and effects when we jam, so a lot of this is just crazy sounds drenched in delay and echo.

We really try to improvise when we jam. Most times we are just flying by the seat of our pants making shit up as we go along. Every once in a while we jam on one of our "standards." By that I mean a groove that we have jammed on before. You can hear it when it happens. Those parts have a little more structure to them.

Glock and I are both a little rusty in this jam, so sorry for the overall sloppiness. And sorry for the sound quality, too. This was just recorded in one take and quickly mixed down with very little EQing. And I don't know how long I'm gonna keep this thing posted on my Soundcloud because this son of a bitch is taking up way too much real estate. Anyway, here it is:

November 2012 Jam

Hope you all dig the peek into the creative process. Thanks for the listens and all of the support in general. Your feedback is always welcome and appreciated.


Charlie Carlo 12 years, 2 months ago

I listened to these the other day. I like Trip to Costco a lot. I like the strange instrument you've got in it, the one that was in the CDP theme and sounds like out of tune brass instruments.

The melody of Procrastination is great. I like the intro.

Still waiting for 80's synths.

mr8bit 12 years, 2 months ago


I will NEVER mind feedback. That's really the main reason why I post my music here.

I hear you on the repetition of Procrastination. It's the same damn bass line throughout! And yeah the drums were intended to sound like a machine. I have a soft-spot for vintage 80s claps.

I know what you mean about the jolting quality of the return to the intro on Trip to Costco. I probably should have put a crash and bass hit on the 1. Oh well. The only way I'd really go back and rework these would be if someone showed interest in them for a project or something. But we recorded them just for fun, really.


That weird instrument you are talking about? It's an 80s synth! Actually, all of the synth sounds on these tracks are from the 80s. The big Roland that I posted a picture of in an earlier blog. Glock LOVES the vibrato on that thing. If he had his way, EVERY recording of ours would use it. I've imposed a moratorium on vibrato synth from here on out.

Thanks for listening, guys!

Charlie Carlo 12 years, 2 months ago

That weird instrument you are talking about? It's an 80s synth!
Is it? I was thinking more the kind of style of Safety Dance, or something.

I'm a big fan of 80's Synthpop.

mr8bit 12 years, 2 months ago

You know what? I'm gonna make an 80s synthpop track just for you. Sounds like it would be a fun thing to do. And lord knows we have the equipment to do it righteously.

I'll call it Sorry Charlie, I Took So Long. You will shit your pants when you hear it. And then you will sit down in it. That's how awesome it's going to be. Get ready. And keep a change of drawers on hand.

Charlie Carlo 12 years, 2 months ago

Sounds awesome already.

Rez 12 years, 2 months ago

<3 synthpop