
Posted by mrmediocrity on Sept. 29, 2008, 4:10 a.m.

My first entry in over two years! (Well not really…)

I have just under two weeks left of university before exams start. I have only two exams… one for Computer Programming and one for Music in Popular culture. There are no exams for Music Industry or Materials of Music. My exams are on 16th October and 7th November. The large gap is quite annoying but at least I'll have plenty of time to study the second. University has been a blast with both interesting classes and a great social scene. The only problem is that damn student loan. However I do think that two years of this will be more then enough before I get sick of it. I must say I'm not really looking foward to the holidays. Simply because I will be spending most of time working looking to earn some much needed cash.

I and five friends have already sorted our flat for next year. I guess it's decent as far as student flats go. It sucks how you have to pay from the start of the year until the end even though I won't be in it for two or three months. Staying in a hall (dorm) was enjoyable but I think staying in a flat will be even more fun. Now to learn how to cook…

Life is good. Except I'm poor as even with that $150 a week coming in.


eagly 16 years, 3 months ago

Glad to hear you're enjoying uni!

I for one can't wait to get to uni, but I'm not looking forward to being in debt, cooking my own food and washing my own clothes. :(

mrmediocrity 16 years, 3 months ago

Heh I thought the same about doing the laundry but it's actually easy as. Just don't worry about folding or ironing your clothes :)

eagly 16 years, 3 months ago

Hehe, I never do anyway. :)

[deleted user] 16 years, 3 months ago

Student Loans; Spending the future today.

Theodore III 16 years, 3 months ago

Nice, I'm just about to enter uni myself. Going into the halls as well and flatting after that =)

OL 16 years, 3 months ago

Kyou again puts it perfectly!