I've been playing through some excellent freeware point-and clicks lately, created by an AGS veteran, Ben "Yahtzee" Crosshaw. I recommend the following:
- 5 Days a Stranger- 6 Days a Skeptic- Adventures in the Galaxy of Fantabulous WondermentKeep in mind, that although they're 2D and feature old-time pixels, there are some moments which will scare you silly. And cause impending nightmares of their single, repetitve, gory motif (so stay away from the first two listed if you have a weak stomache).Saw my 2bGF at the shoppingmall today, and apparently my attempt at growing my hair long was futile - "it'd take at least two years to actually look good", so I'll abandon that idea for a while until I leave school.The "Win a Homemade Cherry Pie" Contest
I love point-and-click games; my favorites are the Sam and Max one and Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis. I'd like to hear that storyline that scared even you.
I'm having a lot of trouble thinking of something to make for that contest. I am stuck. :(