NEO... nostalgia?

Posted by n0bel Arts on Feb. 3, 2007, 10:48 p.m.

I've been looking through all my old stuff lately. Kid-school yearbooks, ancient game magazines, a very old journal, stamp collections, fad collections, drawings and the like. But one albeit-interesting thing I did come across, was an old disk containing my first GM game, Omega Stream. (about four years old, nice to see how far I've come)


Took a shot at realism today, under Razor's guidence (GMClans workshop). Personally I think I made a exceptionally good use of single-colour toning.

I'm also now a member of the Great Games Experiment. Check out my profile to access early-release screens/movies/demos. (I'll still give out new Hazed info, just for you Jabberwock)

In other news, I can now perfectly make spinach & fetta pie!


marbs 18 years ago

When I saw your name I thought it said "n00b alert" XD

flashback 18 years ago

Finish your Acid Music Studio Workshop homework >_>

n0bel Arts 18 years ago

It'll get there flashback, I just need to download some more loops.

Jabberwock 18 years ago

Just for me? Why, I don't know what to say.

BTW, what's your referal code? I think I'll join the sexsperiment just for the heck of it. ;)