Glorious return to 64d

Posted by n1ko on Nov. 10, 2007, 8:43 p.m.

Hey all. I really have not had any time for personal stuff since summer, between school and xc practice everyday. But xc is over now, so i have some extra free time until indoor track starts! YAY!

Anywho, as you may have (or may have not) noticed, I recently submitted my current project/wip/thingy, and the reviews are in: it's fun! If you havent already, check it out:

Please leave me a comment with a suggestion too (bsides better graphics, i

know that lol, im working on it).

Changes in version 1.1:

Removed stealth charcter (he was supposed to be like a splinter cell, but my draw methods prevented me from turning him invisible, i got frustrated, so yeah)

Removed the "grenade-only" guy

Redrawn all weapon sprites to increase grafic nicness

Turned SWAT character into a medic

CHanged some weapon noises

Made the machine guns less accurate

Made sniper have less reload time

Made shotgun less awesome

Made assualt rifles more powerful

Made explosions slightly less powerful

Implemented secondary equipment:

Assault rifle guys get frags (2)

Shotgun guys get mines (2)

Medics get a "health kit dispenser" (2)

Sniper gets an airstrike caller (funfun)

Support guy gets frags(2)

Demo guy gets mines(2)

Added a "battle progress" hud

Removed fps counter

Changed view slightly to remove excess uneeded sky

Dead bodies fly around :D

Added tanks, usable by both player and ai

Added humvees, same as above

I think thats it, but there probally is more that i forgot.

(I am accepting donations toward buying registered version lol)

BUGS: There is a small gameplay bug that i forgot to adress. Enemy vehicles can recapture flags. To reduce vehicle pwnage the vehicles are not supposed to be able to catpure flags. Itll be fixed in version 1.2, or w/e.

The reason grafix suck arent because I am a bad artist, (on the conrary, ive won a scholastic silver key lol), its for purely ergonomic. Without image_angle, etc, to help draw sprites it adds a lot of filesize drawing so many images, so i have to make cutbacks, ie using same sprite for every charcter, etc. The game IS supposed to be slightly cartoonish, though, and the characters are ment to be stick figures, to add a small amount of comic value. Once i get registered i will up the grafix ten fold, though. So no one, please, i BEG you, dont post anyplace about grafix concerns. Thanks.

Check in for more updates regularly.


Cesar 17 years, 3 months ago

stealing avatars is bad, mmmk?

Rez 17 years, 3 months ago

Actually, n1ko had that avatar before DF8.

s 17 years, 3 months ago

Giant banners are bad, mmmk?

Rez 17 years, 3 months ago

You giants are so annoying. Comment on the blog, not the user.

Rez 17 years, 3 months ago

Anyway, its great to see you're back n1ko.

n1ko 17 years, 3 months ago

srry, il change it eventually (the banner)(i gave up on that game sorta anyways)REZ, thanks for backing me up. And, PLEASE, people, add constructive comments, act like civillized people here. Thank you.

abacus 17 years, 3 months ago

i like it, but it was better without vehicles (I like the airstrikes, but i think they should be more like in Wolfenstein where you throw a smoke grenade as a marker), would be easier to tell where it'll land. Also, sometimes with the sniper rifle, the bullets go through the people if you shoot them in the stomach, so id advise changing that.Also, i think adding smoke grenades to the sniper and airstrikes to maybe the mp5 guy and then medic to the assault rifle guy?

The reason i dont like the vehicles is that they are buggy: For one, i hopped in a humvee right away, drove to the back of the map, and started taking the command posts without the enemies noticing. Then i got to the back, and the enemy's cars were there, and all my people were trying to grenade the cars and though i owned all the command posts, i never won.

n1ko 17 years, 3 months ago

Thanks for the input. On the vehicles, they r gonna stay, but not be in all of the levels. The bugs you expierenced r because i didnt tweak the actually gameplay yet, just the individual characters an stuff. Dont wory, itll be better. The weapon/equipment stays how it is though, ill work on the bullet collision bug too. Mebe ill put in a smoke marker or laser designator type thing for the airstrike. thanks again.