Help me brainstorm

Posted by n1ko on May 29, 2008, 6:11 p.m.

Ive logged more time into Stick Battle (name pending), and its gonna be released fully soon, probally next week after school lets out. But, i still need a decent title. The soldiers are no longer real stick figures, and 'stick battle' is just generic and dumb, so i need a new, better title. Please gimme some ideas.

Also, i am planning on creating a specific character for the player. Currently, the player plays as a clone of the friendly soldiers, just with a yellow armband, as opposed to a red one. I am thinking of making a character for the player to play as, so it will be easier to distinguish which soldier the user is controlling. So please feed me some ideas about what the character should look like, who he should be, etc. Any suggestions or ideas are appreciated!

Heres the link to the wip if you havent already played it:


PY 16 years, 8 months ago

brainstorm is not PC.

Thought shower is more acceptible.

pip pip.

Nighthawk 16 years, 8 months ago

How about you make the player customizable, like, you choose the hair/helmet style, the player's color, and his clothes color. ;)

n1ko 16 years, 8 months ago

that was a good idea, but i really dont want to go and make that many new sprites. and the problem is that, the characters are so small, that it is hard to change the player except for just changing his color, and thats kinda boring; but i might end up doing just that.

aEon 16 years, 8 months ago

Total Warfare, maybe?

And for the player - a yellow armband and a yellow helmet would be just fine;)