help w/ colors

Posted by n1ko on July 24, 2006, 7:15 p.m.

ok 64 digits, i have yet another question about needing help with game maker. here it goes: i know how to open the function that brings up the color select window thing, and i want to use that so the player can choose their characters color. anyways, i used the get_color function thingy, but how do i get the playes selection to adjust the charcter's color?

oh yeah, and hamlo is coming along nicely. the only problem is that the file size is getting up there and ive barley started working on it…

does anyone have a light engine that is decent and require registered? if so, please pm me cause i want to make a top down stealth/shooter thing soon.thanx


shadowstrike32 18 years, 7 months ago

Use a color blend…

cb_head = get_color(…)

draw_sprite_ext(sp_head, x, y, …arguments…, cb_head);

Not exact code that you should use for obvious reasons, but you should see the corellation.