Why are website hosts all dumpsters?

Posted by nap on Feb. 6, 2015, 12:51 p.m.

I have been experimenting with PHP and MYSQL recently out of curiosity. I am currently just using WAMP and developing on a local server. So far I have a simple registration/login system along with a rudimentary bulletin board style comment system.

Now I am looking for a free web hosting service to use and all the ones I have found are shit. 000webhost is blocked by most ISP's (including mine) here in the states. All the other ones I have seen might as well be shitty old porno sites with all the ads and the slow loading. Not to mention the money grabbing they go for. AwardSpace tried to charge me $139.99 for "website protection."

This makes me feel dirty.

I remember years ago Twisterghost had a little web host that I learned html and it didn't have any bullshit.

Let me know what hosting service you guys use.


RC 10 years ago

I've been using Digital Ocean for the past year or so and have no complaints about them. You'll have to set everything up yourself, but you'll learn a lot and have full control over your server that way, plus $5/mo isn't that bad.

ChessMasterRiley 10 years ago

I would like to second the plug for asmallorange.com. They have had phenomenal customer service and their costs are very reasonable. I have two websites currently hosted there and I couldn't be happier with their service.

twisterghost 10 years ago

Man, Twisternet, that brings back memories. I'd actually forgotten about it, but I guess using that site was my first website-making experience.

You have no idea how fucking heartwarming that is to read

Alert Games 10 years ago

I would go with asmallorange.com or cleverdot.com id say. Both are about the same rate if you'd like to have a pretty reliable, low-cost, low-traffic place on the web :)

Or… you know… one of us could share part of their server with you (but honestly those are fair prices to experience the hosting yourself)