FREE HUGS!!!!! (Please Click!)

Posted by neonut99 on Nov. 26, 2006, 4:05 p.m.

Everyone see this. Those with YouTube accounts rate it. Its so inspiring.

Its gone all over the world. 1 Guy started it and now look

He got hugs and made new signs and more new signs. Then he got other people to help hold signs what a wonderful story.

Show this to your friends. I saw one of the guys, yesterday at the AC center in Toronto. Unfortunately I was driving and couldn't hug.

They also got 10 000 signs to un-ban the ban on Free-Hugs.

Oh and HA(to all you mods)! This isn't a ZOMG PWNed blog title that can be taken off the front page!


SleepinJohnnyFish 18 years, 1 month ago

With the way promiscuous sex is coming back into style, it's almost like the 70s never ended.

Polystyrene Man 18 years, 1 month ago

Heh, good point.

neonut99 18 years, 1 month ago
