2147483647 hits. REALLY!

Posted by neonut99 on May 16, 2006, 6:56 p.m.

That right. I have the most hits for anyone to ever have! In all of 64digits!

2147483647 hits Seriously!

Here are some non edited screens! Though i croped some of it.. And blacked out some too.

SWEET HITS HERE (click on pic to zoom)

Read it and weep SUCKERS!

Im better than you so HA!

Anyway, it was a glitch so i reported it to melee and he fixed it. Seriously, ask him!

HA! I'm awesome!

GO ME! WE need a new hit badge. TAKE THAT MELEE! [:P]


DesertFox 18 years, 9 months ago

That's hilarious! I want 2147483647 hits…