Looking for people

Posted by nickkos on Feb. 16, 2007, 5:54 p.m.

Well i've been working on Sgt Steeve, and the last time I submited it, it said the following, It's probably best you find yourself a modeler and fix any glitches before releasing it. I am not mad that it didnt get through, as it was only a test of the engine. I realy didn't expect it to get through anyway. So here is what I need, I need a modeler, a tester and someone to translate this either into code or if there is a bug that i cant fix, i can take it to this person.

Please note that this is my 1st serious project. I will PM you my email so that we can exchange the game and talk a little easier if i approve you. I would appreiciate the modeler to show me some of his work, but if you say your okay I will take your word for it.

Modler- None yet

Programmers- Nick koskowski (me)

Beta testers- None yet

AI programmer- ME

The story of the game is that sgt steeve is in the jungle when small monsters begin appearing as if out of nowhere, he then takes his machine gun and begins blasting them away through arcade style levels. There are 2 modes to which a level has. One is the survival mode, where basicly you must stay alive as the timer goes to get the next level. The other is deathmatch, simply get enough kills to proceed.

I am also looking for someone who might be able to help me program the AI, as it is not very advanced as

of right now.

The game is 2d topdown veiw and i want to either emulate the 8 bit graphic style or make it look realy modern higher resolution style.


nickkos 18 years ago

Help me make my game as kick ass as chuck norris, and you will be rewarded with your name in the credits. As well as an unverified paypal account with 12$ in it….how it got there i realy dont know.LOLZ!!! I have no use for it

nickkos 18 years ago

Does anyone have any interests in this project? Right now im doing some revisions to the engine, and managing the object and sprite databases. I also have a sample of the two types of matches survival and deathmatch running. alothough horrible graphics no sound and bad ai isnt exactly a great game yet. I realy need a modeler and an ai programmer.

nickkos 18 years ago

….shadow yoshi STFU im lazy okay

s 18 years ago

Notice how the one person who decides to leave you a comment is silenced?Seriously,I doubt the bugs are really serious…What's the bug,UnknownVariable?

nickkos 18 years ago

The bugs i have are some movement bugs and glitchy formula bugs, if anyone wants to test or help develop please let me know my email is nickkoskowski@yahoo.com