On my last knee

Posted by nickkos on Feb. 17, 2007, 1:42 a.m.

I've been refining my engine all day, and i have come into a lot of bugs. I am realy tired now. Sgt Steeve is in desperate need of a modeler, and a debugger.

We absolutley have to get anyone who can do 2d top down sprites. In face when designing the monsters you have your own creative freedom, the only thing I want to incorporate is that they must be a certain size, and if there off theme or time period.

We now have 3 gametypes instead of the 2 previous mentioned. They are-

Deathmatch, simply get a predefined ammount of kills.

Survival, survive as long as you can while the timer goes down.

*NEW Mop up, Destroy all the enemy bases, by getting a certain ammount of kills, the bases spawn enemies and if there are more that remain mop them up.

Im not sure yet but besides the Campaign mode, im going to put a quick match with a map selction.

Currently the game is sort of unstable, i cant get this one variable code to work right as 2 objects are coliding there code with one another and screwing up some of the variables i had in place for the new gametype.

I have no level design done as i am still working on the engine a little more. Some of the bugs include poor collsion detection, as the multiple character instances im using screw up with other objects epescially in tight jungle tree areas. A modeler would be a great help as to refine and resize the 4 player sprites i have in place!

Another bug is the unrelentless spray of bullets that you can create. The bug is if you hit 2 directional keys it created a flamethrower of bullets! And another bug is too many cpu threads. Im trying to make a code to the limit of instances that an object can create. I have an idea for an agortihm but its very buggy.


nickkos 18 years ago

Wow …. that was a lot of typing….i updated it the 1st half

marbs 18 years ago

A lot of typing? Doesn't look like that much to me =P