The Sickness

Posted by nickkos on Feb. 23, 2007, 12:11 p.m.

I dont think I have ever been so sick in my life.

Yesterday i slept for 1 hour woke up for 10 minutes and went back to sleep for 1 hr. This happened all day yesterday. When I would get up to go to the bathroom, I would fall down dizzy, and my vision would blank out.

Those damned children wont shut the hell up for 5 minutes. But thank god tommorow is saturday and they leave. I threw up 3 times yesterday and it hurt because those girls jumped on my back an cracked my ribs. IT was horrible, it was gutwrenching in my stomach. And when you burped it tasted like assy mcgee's crack.

(google assy mcgee if you dont know who he is)

I was in urgent care in the morning for it, but they wouldnt let me in, because the clinic i went to wasnt a… "walk in clinic." What the hell is with that, shouldnt Urgent Care be open to anyone who is in an urgent condition? I still feel like im gonna die, ill check on this later…im going back to bed.

Oh yea from my earlier blog those children refer to the demons that invaded my house from new york, my aunts children who are mentally challanged and wont STFU!!! When i try to sleep. And their mother wont STFU either nor does she have enough sense to take care of those kids. Im starting to get the idea that people who want to have sex without condems should have to go through an application process. And if they have a baby without that application the kid should be terminated and the parents arrested.


nickkos 18 years ago

It reminds me of the disturbed song down with the sickness.

eagly 18 years ago

the kid should be terminated and the parents arrested.
Pfft. Rather let the baby be born, then put it into foster care of someone more capable.

(google assy mcgee if you dont know who he is)
I don't think I want to, for some strange reason.