Insane Collabaration

Posted by nickkos on Feb. 24, 2007, 4:09 p.m.

I have started a collabaration with who'm I deem one of the best programmers I have known. JID!

Our collabaration calls to Sgt Steeve, a fast paced shooter with my original engine completley rebuilt to a much more fast paced game. In about 10 minutes he took my engine to an entirley new level, with much better graphics and a advanced shooting system, the likes of which I have yet to program. Although I am a noob, understand this….I vow that under the teachings of my new master JID. I shall master GML, and become a NON NOOB!!!

Our project is going smoothly but the engine is still being worked on and perfected. JID has asked me to find some beta testers to the engine and the 1st few stages of the game, so please post here if you would like to join the team, even our testers are mentioned in credits. Another thing I am publishing it under a Nick Nak Games Studio name. (TM)

So far from the 3 weeks i put into my original conceptive engine…he completeley blew it out of the sky with a freaking Omicronic MegaZomg Machine Lasergun 9000. (if they existed) in about 4 hours.

We need beta testers, and some more concept designers as well as people who would just like to help out with designing this game.

I am also thinking about doing a secondary project based on the Infamous Assy mcgee, or somthing based off the TES 4 game oblivion.


nickkos 17 years, 12 months ago thats a website that give u money for those survay thingies by check….i get money if u click that link PLEASE CLICK IT and sign up….its free!!!

nickkos 17 years, 12 months ago

the money from there goes to fund the costs of running my computer and developing games LOL!!

poultry 17 years, 12 months ago


I have started a collabaration with who'm I deem one of the best programmers I have known. JID!


Rez 17 years, 12 months ago

Shameless begging LOL!!

s 17 years, 12 months ago

I read this for humor.

10 minutes means your engine was lousy,and you don't actually explain the system much except that its a fast paced shooter.

Whatever,I agree with ChIkEn.

Xxypher 17 years, 12 months ago

Nickko… your a fagtard

JID isnt the best, Fred and JakeX and… GearGod are hte best

JID 17 years, 12 months ago

The last time I submitted a game was about last year. How do you guys know how good I am in GM now. Yes I agree I'm not the best but you guys are acting like I make the crappiest games.

s 17 years, 12 months ago

Happens when someone deems you the greatest programmer they have ever met.

JID 17 years, 12 months ago

Well he's kinda a newb so what if he hasn't met that many good programmers before.

s 17 years, 12 months ago

Its also how he said it,as if he was giving you a frickin grammy award.