A new Start

Posted by nickkos on Feb. 28, 2007, 7:39 p.m.

Well, now i feel I have been given a purpose in life. I have redone my website, and I officially proclaim my new game Company Nick Nak Games with its release.

We currently have 2 projects in the mix. Oh yea and in ur inbox here….why cant you delete PM's? I have 2 new people to test my MMO, made with the mirage source code but no one but JID will help me with my TDS. Sgt steeve which i have no new news or updates on. I made tacos and they were realy good. But my 1st attempt…i forgot to put the tortias in the microwave beforehand…and after i had put all the cheese meat and all the good stuff inside, i put it in the microwave and it tasted like a rubber ass.

And just so you know rubber ass doesnt taste good.

<img src="http://www.freewebs.com/nickkos/sgtsteeve.GIF">

Thats my TDS project so far. I need a better modeller and someone to program an AI worth fighting…my goal is to allow the Ai t be aware of their surroundings and interact with objects…even though it might be pre scripted ai.


s 17 years, 11 months ago

Called pathes,and A*.

And I like taking the salty flat breads and putting syrup in them.

I need to work on my AIprogramming…its bad.Espion is pretty good though,enemies turn back and forth at random intervals and shoot you if LOS is right,while also checking to make sure they don't cause friendly fire.I even got an array coded waypoint system.I made an AI.gmd once after getting a book based on AI.

GamerHippo7 17 years, 11 months ago

Hey Im proud of ya. I can't wait to see your new ga,e… but besides that, im impressed with your website. I reall need one myself. Keep up the good work.

nickkos 17 years, 11 months ago

I've been hard at work and I will continue…im on my way to non noobiness

Russellwoot 17 years, 11 months ago

nick nak.. thats tight