GM 7 Decompiled

Posted by nickkos on Feb. 28, 2007, 10:58 p.m.

I have decided….that if anyone here who knows how to use a decompiler….to basicly hack gm7….i will give the decompiler program too on one condition. Teach me to use it. If you have any interest email me or im me at

I only wanna see if this can be done…as i have a registered GM 6 thing but my code isnt working any idea on how long this will take to fix?Oh btw the program is called RESHACKER…and it can decompile EXE dll ocx cpl and scr files. ITs realy good it decompiles down to the icons and images a program uses and scripts as well


shadowstrike32 17 years, 11 months ago


DFortun81 17 years, 11 months ago

And we would give this to you for what reason, again?

(That is… If we had it… uh… yeah.)

castleproductio 17 years, 11 months ago

…Who would give someone a virtual reality computer and teach them how to use it for free. Thats the same problem here.

firestormx 17 years, 11 months ago

reshacker does as its name sugests: hacks out the resources. It does not "decompile" things, and it does not retrieve GM scripts.

I was using this program when I was 10 to steal icons. It's that simple. The reason you can't figure out how to decompile GM, is because it can't decopmile GM.

Dom 17 years, 11 months ago

meh its an program for stealing images you cant hack with this when someone cracks gm7 give my a pm with it in it

OL 17 years, 11 months ago

Res Hacker? Decompiler? lmfao

Maxcore 17 years, 11 months ago

You can't decompile GM 7, but you could just go into the byte code and change whatever you wanted. Look up "Cracking Tutorial" on Google or something, stop being so lazy.

Castypher 17 years, 11 months ago

K…and why would you want to do that?

…hold on a sec, that's the second blog in one day.

smarttart62 17 years, 11 months ago

Lol resourcehacker… Stupid noob.

GM7 CANNOT be decompiled using ResHacker. BUT there are some nice things you can enable in an .exe… you can change the default background image for the message boxes =P.


s 17 years, 11 months ago

Short blog.

3rd blog today,have you read the rules?Sheesh…why hadn't anyone nailed this person yet?