Hiya mates!

Posted by no0b on May 8, 2008, 12:16 p.m.

Hi everybody around this wonderfull community! I've been here for a while reading other people's entries and finally decided to write my own! Please don't expect much from this one as I don't have a good skill of writing something full of meaning and my grammar sucks sometimes.

So… To start with I'd like to say some words about spring - it is finally here! The spring came to my town! (well I know its May already but I'm not speaking about the calendar spring - I mean the emotinal spring, yay!)

The sun is shining into my window as I write this entry and I finally know that it has a really big effect on inspiration! The leaves are greener then ever - the flowers are blooming (is there such a word?) and the feelings come back to life after long winter sleep!

Man how wonderfull it is! I'm ready to sing at any moment really! Or just run into the street and meet my friends and do anything, just anything… Cause it is just so great to do something in such bright sunlight!

The weather in my city is usually cold and unfriendly, that is why such sunny days like this one make me just freaked out! (in good meaning ofcourse) And the fact that I finally finished Vanya - a game I've been working on for about 3-5 months also adds "fuel" to my mood hope it will get some public attention soon!

Ok enough with the good things - the end of spring means big exam session! And !oh noes! I'm not ready for any of them (I'm having four this year)

I study at Saint petersburg's University of Architecture and Modern Engeneering. It is my second year here - and I'm getting more and more disappointed with my future career everyday. Wtf?! Do I really want to be an engeneer-economist? NO! Do I want to sit on my butt all day counting and making economics reviews? Hell no!

And each day just proves I was wrong when I picked this career… Damn…

I have 4 main disciplines to study here:

1)Automated projecting - ever heard of ArchiCad? No? Lucky you! at this class we draw houses in 3D - it may sound interesting, but believe me when I say it is NOT. We spend most of the time calculating some crap, I think I never find out what we're actually doing…

2)Statistics - another meaningless class. I know that money-spend and resource-usage reports are really important for engineering, but when you try to make one - you discover nothing but a bottomless hole of boreness.

3)Optimisation - digits, digits, digits…. I guess you got the meaning of this class - its nothing but digits and formulas. My brain hurts so much when I get in this class.

4)Philosofy - Oh! And what a nice addition to the upper list! Yes I'm also having a phylosofy exam! (The only one that I would pass this year I think)

^So I think you get what I mean. When you'll be choosing your future career after school graduation - don't even think about building industry. It will eat you up alive, believe me.

Err.. This entry got a bit sad don't you think, so here's my last thought for today:

The May is here, and it is wonderful, if I take out the exams my life will also be so. But I'm an optimist so I won't bother thinking about them until "THE DAY" I think I'll pass like I always do)

~Cheers everyone!


ESA 16 years, 9 months ago

blooming (is there such a word?)
Yes, I think so :D

Saint petersburg
Ah, so are you Russian? I've been to Moscow before, but never Saint Petersburg. Cold place! Russia is a very interesting country.

Anyway, welcome to the blogging scene in 64digits. Great avatar, btw…

TDOT 16 years, 9 months ago

well, even if you've been here a while, first blog means welcome time. Welcome to 64D! Enjoy your stay.

no0b 16 years, 9 months ago

^ Hey! Thanks a lot for your replies! I never thought I'll get 2 so soon. Just a proof that this is an awesome place for people like us)

Cheers to all of you again)

F1ak3r 16 years, 9 months ago

Spring, eh? Enjoy it, it's autumn down here in the Southern Hemisphere, and getting damn cold.

Welcome to 64Digits (sorta)! May your comments be as numerous as melee-master's chins, and may your unread blogs be as infrequent as canadonian's logins!

Unaligned 16 years, 9 months ago

Hi, and welcome, yadda yadda yadda. For such a creepy avatar, which may be of some important movie or something that I don't know about, you seem very fond of 'happy weather'. I'm now staring at the just-rained scenery at my window, with the fresh air coming in listening to some music and t'is much better than the plain sun, on my opinion, that is.

Side note: Agh! Optimization! I hate it!

Xxypher 16 years, 9 months ago

THe first new blogger… that made a full blog.

*almost faints*

Woh… I almost fainted, but then I didn't.

Welcome. I think I am going to like you…

Mainly for the fact that your next four blogs wont be five sentences on how your new smash brothers game will have Naruto and digimon with twelve types of fighting and it will be done in 3D but you need help on it all because you have no idea what you are doing, then beg for everyone to help.


Unaligned 16 years, 9 months ago

Haha, the name says it all :P

Kenon 16 years, 9 months ago

YEAH, Your job is boring. I gotta take..


Um. I'm not in college yet D:

Excalibur333 16 years, 9 months ago

1)Automated projecting - ever heard of ArchiCad? No? Lucky you! at this class we draw houses in 3D - it may sound interesting, but believe me when I say it is NOT. We spend most of the time calculating some crap, I think I never find out what we're actually doing…
I took an archicad class in college because it sounded interesting…. It pretty much sucked. We couldn't even do 3d XD.

Anyway I think I try out your games.

Good luck on your exams!

Mat 16 years, 9 months ago

Its good to see somebody new who has alot to say. Hi! I like your avatar.